
pixel/vertex/texture shaders

Started by March 08, 2003 06:25 PM
4 comments, last by penetrator 21 years, 11 months ago
Is it possible to use them without the cg toolkit ? Do you know any good tutorial ?
---sorry for not using proper english , I'm from latin roots
I''m a little confused with these new stuff. I see nvidia is pushing on Cg and Ati on something called RenderMonkey technology right ? These new graphic languages should help us (programmers) to build apps faster and easier, but do you have an idea of the work we will have to do make an app compatible with both environments ? I mean we will have to install both toolkits and tweak Visual Studio or else to correctly compile and build the code. This is utopy but they (ati and nvidia) should build one standard and one toolkit. At least this is how i got it, i hope to be wrong ...

Penetrator - we will have one standard high level shader language when OGL 2.0 comes out. It''s called Slang.
www.FlegDev.tkJust code it!
glslang is not here yet, and unless you''re very patient you should use other (already available) extensions before :
- GL_ARB_vertex_program for vertex processing
- GL_ARB_fragment_program for pixel processing

Note that ARB_fragment_program is only supported by the Radeon9700 card (and GeForce FX) so if you want hardware-accelerated pixel processing for "old" cards, you''d better use vendor-specific extensions such as GL_NV_register_combiners (for all GeForce cards) or GL_ATI_fragment_shader (for Radeon 8500 and higher)
Note that Cg will also work on ATI hardware, if you use the ARB_* profiles (but for pixelshaders, only on the 9700).

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