
The (old) GLAux unit...

Started by March 07, 2003 08:51 AM
1 comment, last by cyw 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi! I''ve been reading trough the tutorials, and since i''m not familiar with c++, i''ve taken the delphi sources.Each requires a unit named GLAux, which i cannot find anywhere.If anyone happen to have it, pls contact me via this section of the forum or mail me at Thx!

This will take you to my favorite AUX, although its in c\C++, not delphi.

Sadly, since AUX is very outdated, and very very old, it will be very difficult to find it. You may want to contact NeHe, and have him place it on his site, as a legacy thing.

I found it:

Look next to the teapot, there is a download for AUX with delphi. Good luck
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Hey, thanks!

Now the only thing i''ve gotta do is get it to work.

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