
Loading Bitmap Problem

Started by March 06, 2003 08:19 PM
3 comments, last by Aggro5288 21 years, 8 months ago
Hi all ... I just started working with bitmaps in dx ... ive made pong in gdi and am now trying to do it in DX ... to start ive basically copy and pasted code from other things to start out, when I compile it I only get a black screen, do you see what's wrong with it? I am gonna include all of it so I don't leave anything out
// INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN   

#define INITGUID

#include <windows.h>   //windows
#include <windowsx.h> 
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <iostream.h> // C++
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <math.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include <ddraw.h> // Directdraw
#include "t3dlib1.h"

// prototypes

// DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////

// defines for windows 


// default screen size

#define SCREEN_WIDTH    640  // size of screen
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT   480
#define SCREEN_BPP      8    // bits per pixel
#define MAX_COLORS      256  // maximum colors
#define BITMAP_ID            0x4D42 // universal id for a bitmap
#define MAX_COLORS_PALETTE   256

// TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// basic unsigned types

typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned char  UCHAR;
typedef unsigned char  BYTE;

// MACROS /////////////////////////////////////////////////

#define KEYDOWN(vk_code) ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0)
#define KEYUP(vk_code)   ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 0 : 1)

// initializes a direct draw struct

#define DD_INIT_STRUCT(ddstruct) { memset(&ddstruct,0,sizeof(ddstruct)); ddstruct.dwSize=sizeof(ddstruct); }

// GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////

HWND      main_window_handle = NULL; // globally track main window

HINSTANCE hinstance_app      = NULL; // globally track hinstance

BITMAP_FILE           bitmap;                // holds the bitmap 

BITMAP_IMAGE paddle1;  

char buffer[80];                     // general printing buffer

// FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////

						    UINT msg, 
                            WPARAM wparam, 
                            LPARAM lparam)
// this is the main message handler of the system

PAINTSTRUCT		ps;		// used in WM_PAINT

HDC				hdc;	// handle to a device context

char buffer[80];        // used to print strings

// what is the message 

	case WM_CREATE: 
		// do initialization stuff here

        // return success

		} break;
	case WM_PAINT: 
		// simply validate the window 

   	    hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd,&ps);	 
        // end painting


        // return success

   		} break;

	case WM_DESTROY: 

		// kill the application, this sends a WM_QUIT message 


        // return success

		} break;


    } // end switch

// process any messages that we didn't take care of 

return (DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam));

} // end WinProc


int Game_Main(void *parms = NULL, int num_parms = 0)
// this is the main loop of the game, do all your processing

// here

// for now test if user is hitting ESC and send WM_CLOSE


if (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Lock(NULL, &ddsd,
   // error

   } // end if

// clear the drawing surface

DDraw_Fill_Surface(lpddsback, 0);

// lock the back buffer


// draw the background reactor image

Draw_Bitmap(&paddle1, back_buffer, back_lpitch, 0);

// unlock the back buffer


// now ddsd.lPitch is valid and so is ddsd.lpSurface

// make a couple aliases to make code cleaner, so we don't

// have to cast

int mempitch        = (int)ddsd.lPitch;
UCHAR *video_buffer = (UCHAR *)ddsd.lpSurface;

// copy the bitmap image to the primary buffer line by line

// note this is a good candidate operation to make into a function - hint!

// lock the primary surface


// get video pointer to primary surfce

UCHAR *primary_buffer = (UCHAR *)ddsd.lpSurface;       

// test if memory is linear

if (ddsd.lPitch == SCREEN_WIDTH)
   // copy memory from double buffer to primary buffer

   memcpy((void *)primary_buffer, (void *)bitmap.buffer, SCREEN_WIDTH*SCREEN_HEIGHT);
   } // end if

   { // non-linear

   // make copy of source and destination addresses

   UCHAR *dest_ptr = primary_buffer;
   UCHAR *src_ptr  = bitmap.buffer;

   // memory is non-linear, copy line by line

   for (int y=0; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++)
       // copy line

       memcpy((void *)dest_ptr, (void *)src_ptr, SCREEN_WIDTH);

       // advance pointers to next line

       src_ptr +=SCREEN_WIDTH;
       } // end for

   } // end else

// now unlock the primary surface

if (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Unlock(NULL)))

// title

//Draw_Text_GDI("REVENGE OF PING", 275,30, 

  //            RGB(255,255,255), lpddsprimary);

// title

//Draw_Text_GDI("REVENGE OF PING", 275,30, 

//              RGB(255,255,255), lpddsprimary);

// flip the surfaces

// now unlock the primary surface

if (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Unlock(NULL)))

// sleep a bit


// return success or failure or your own return code here


} // end Game_Main


int Game_Init(void *parms = NULL, int num_parms = 0)
// this is called once after the initial window is created and

// before the main event loop is entered, do all your initialization

// here

// create IDirectDraw interface 7.0 object and test for error

if (FAILED(DirectDrawCreateEx(NULL, (void **)&lpdd, IID_IDirectDraw7, NULL)))

// set cooperation to full screen

if (FAILED(lpdd->SetCooperativeLevel(main_window_handle, 
                                      DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX | 
                                      DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT)))
   // error

   } // end if

// set display mode to 640x480x8

   // error

   } // end if

// clear ddsd and set size

ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);

// enable valid fields

ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS;

// request primary surface


// create the primary surface

if (FAILED(lpdd->CreateSurface(&ddsd, &lpddsprimary, NULL)))
   // error

   } // end if

// build up the palette data array

for (int color=1; color < 255; color++)
    // fill with random RGB values

    palette[color].peRed   = rand()%256;
    palette[color].peGreen = rand()%256;
    palette[color].peBlue  = rand()%256;

    // set flags field to PC_NOCOLLAPSE

    palette[color].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
    } // end for color

// now fill in entry 0 and 255 with black and white

palette[0].peRed   = 0;
palette[0].peGreen = 0;
palette[0].peBlue  = 0;
palette[0].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;

palette[255].peRed   = 255;
palette[255].peGreen = 255;
palette[255].peBlue  = 255;
palette[255].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;

// create the palette object

if (FAILED(lpdd->CreatePalette(DDPCAPS_8BIT | DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 | 
                                palette,&lpddpal, NULL)))
// error

} // end if

// load the background

Load_Bitmap_File(&bitmap8bit, "pongthing.bmp");

// set the palette to background image palette


// create and load the reactor bitmap image

Create_Bitmap(&paddle1, 0,0, 50, 85);

// finally attach the palette to the primary surface

if (FAILED(lpddsprimary->SetPalette(lpddpal)))
    // error

    } // end if

// load the 8-bit image

if (!Load_Bitmap_File(&bitmap,"pongthing.bmp"))

// load it's palette into directdraw

if (FAILED(lpddpal->SetEntries(0,0,MAX_COLORS_PALETTE,bitmap.palette)))

// clean the surface


// return success or failure or your own return code here


} // end Game_Init


int Game_Shutdown(void *parms = NULL, int num_parms = 0)
// this is called after the game is exited and the main event

// loop while is exited, do all you cleanup and shutdown here

// first the palette

if (lpddpal)
   lpddpal = NULL;
   } // end if

// now the primary surface

if (lpddsprimary)
   lpddsprimary = NULL;
   } // end if

// now blow away the IDirectDraw4 interface

if (lpdd)
   lpdd = NULL;
   } // end if

// unload the bitmap file, we no longer need it


// return success or failure or your own return code here


} // end Game_Shutdown

// WINMAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////

int WINAPI WinMain(	HINSTANCE hinstance,
					HINSTANCE hprevinstance,
					LPSTR lpcmdline,
					int ncmdshow)

WNDCLASSEX winclass; // this will hold the class we create

HWND	   hwnd;	 // generic window handle

MSG		   msg;		 // generic message

HDC        hdc;      // graphics device context

// first fill in the window class stucture

winclass.cbSize         = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);			= CS_DBLCLKS | CS_OWNDC | 
                          CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
winclass.lpfnWndProc	= WindowProc;
winclass.cbClsExtra		= 0;
winclass.cbWndExtra		= 0;
winclass.hInstance		= hinstance;
winclass.hIcon			= LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
winclass.hCursor		= LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); 
winclass.hbrBackground	= (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
winclass.lpszMenuName	= NULL;
winclass.lpszClassName	= WINDOW_CLASS_NAME;
winclass.hIconSm        = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);

// save hinstance in global

hinstance_app = hinstance;

// register the window class

if (!RegisterClassEx(&winclass))

// create the window

if (!(hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL,                  // extended style

                            WINDOW_CLASS_NAME,     // class

						    "DirectDraw Full-Screen Demo", // title

						    WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE,
					 	    0,0,	  // initial x,y

						    SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT,  // initial width, height

						    NULL,	  // handle to parent 

						    NULL,	  // handle to menu

						    hinstance,// instance of this application

						    NULL)))	// extra creation parms


// save main window handle

main_window_handle = hwnd;

// initialize game here


// enter main event loop

    // test if there is a message in queue, if so get it

	if (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE))
	   // test if this is a quit

       if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
	   // translate any accelerator keys


	   // send the message to the window proc

	   } // end if

       // main game processing goes here

	} // end while

// closedown game here


// return to Windows like this


} // end WinMain


[edited by - aggro5288 on March 6, 2003 9:21:20 PM]
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Hey I always have problems displaying bitmaps in ddraw, and my code seems quite the same as yours, Aggro5288.

But I can never find the problem, and it''s soo frustrating!
Please, anyone who can help us?
take a look at the code in the dx7 framework file d3dtextr.cpp. it is ddraw applicable and it always works. TextureContainer::CopyBitmapToSurface would be one of the functions you''d be interested in.
grr ... I can''t figure this out ... I updated the code a bit, as a last resort I might try that function Anonymous told me, but I wanna stay in ddraw for now ...

  // revenge.cpp// Programmer: Jason Koebler//// Source Code Pong in direct x (title in works)//  Will use t3dgame engines made by Andre'' Lamothe////////     ////////////       //       ///     /          //            / /      ///     /          //            /  /     /////////          //            /   /    / //                //            /    ///                //            /     ///                //            /      ///           ////////////       /       //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////VERSION 1.0 ///////////////////////////////////////// INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN   #define INITGUID#include <windows.h>   //windows#include <windowsx.h> #include <mmsystem.h>#include <iostream.h> // C++#include <conio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <malloc.h>#include <memory.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdarg.h>#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h>#include <io.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <ddraw.h> // Directdraw#include "t3dlib1.h"// prototypes// DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////// defines for windows #define WINDOW_CLASS_NAME "WINCLASS1"// default screen size#define SCREEN_WIDTH    640  // size of screen#define SCREEN_HEIGHT   480#define SCREEN_BPP      8    // bits per pixel#define MAX_COLORS      256  // maximum colors#define BITMAP_ID            0x4D42 // universal id for a bitmap#define MAX_COLORS_PALETTE   256// TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// basic unsigned typestypedef unsigned short USHORT;typedef unsigned short WORD;typedef unsigned char  UCHAR;typedef unsigned char  BYTE;// MACROS /////////////////////////////////////////////////#define KEYDOWN(vk_code) ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0)#define KEYUP(vk_code)   ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 0 : 1)// initializes a direct draw struct#define DD_INIT_STRUCT(ddstruct) { memset(&ddstruct,0,sizeof(ddstruct)); ddstruct.dwSize=sizeof(ddstruct); }// GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////HWND      main_window_handle = NULL; // globally track main windowHINSTANCE hinstance_app      = NULL; // globally track hinstanceBITMAP_FILE           bitmap;                // holds the bitmap BITMAP_IMAGE paddle1;  char buffer[80];                     // general printing buffer// FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, 						    UINT msg,                             WPARAM wparam,                             LPARAM lparam){// this is the main message handler of the systemPAINTSTRUCT		ps;		// used in WM_PAINTHDC				hdc;	// handle to a device contextchar buffer[80];        // used to print strings// what is the message switch(msg)	{		case WM_CREATE:         {		// do initialization stuff here        // return success		return(0);		} break;   	case WM_PAINT: 		{		// simply validate the window    	    hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd,&ps);	                 // end painting        EndPaint(hwnd,&ps);        // return success		return(0);   		} break;	case WM_DESTROY: 		{		// kill the application, this sends a WM_QUIT message 		PostQuitMessage(0);        // return success		return(0);		} break;	default:break;    } // end switch// process any messages that we didn''t take care of return (DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam));} // end WinProc///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int Game_Main(void *parms = NULL, int num_parms = 0){// this is the main loop of the game, do all your processing// here// for now test if user is hitting ESC and send WM_CLOSEif (KEYDOWN(VK_ESCAPE))   SendMessage(main_window_handle,WM_CLOSE,0,0);if (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Lock(NULL, &ddsd,                   DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR | DDLOCK_WAIT,                   NULL)))   {   // error   return(0);   } // end if// clear the drawing surfaceDDraw_Fill_Surface(lpddsback, 0);// lock the back bufferDDraw_Lock_Back_Surface();// draw the background reactor imageDraw_Bitmap(&paddle1, back_buffer, back_lpitch, 0);// unlock the back bufferDDraw_Unlock_Back_Surface();// now ddsd.lPitch is valid and so is ddsd.lpSurface// make a couple aliases to make code cleaner, so we don''t// have to castint mempitch        = (int)ddsd.lPitch;UCHAR *video_buffer = (UCHAR *)ddsd.lpSurface;// copy the bitmap image to the primary buffer line by line// note this is a good candidate operation to make into a function - hint!// lock the primary surfacelpddsprimary->Lock(NULL,&ddsd, DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR | DDLOCK_WAIT,NULL);// get video pointer to primary surfceUCHAR *primary_buffer = (UCHAR *)ddsd.lpSurface;       // test if memory is linearif (ddsd.lPitch == SCREEN_WIDTH)   {   // copy memory from double buffer to primary buffer   memcpy((void *)primary_buffer, (void *)bitmap.buffer, SCREEN_WIDTH*SCREEN_HEIGHT);   } // end ifelse   { // non-linear   // make copy of source and destination addresses   UCHAR *dest_ptr = primary_buffer;   UCHAR *src_ptr  = bitmap.buffer;   // memory is non-linear, copy line by line   for (int y=0; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++)       {       // copy line       memcpy((void *)dest_ptr, (void *)src_ptr, SCREEN_WIDTH);       // advance pointers to next line       dest_ptr+=ddsd.lPitch;       src_ptr +=SCREEN_WIDTH;       } // end for   } // end else// now unlock the primary surfaceif (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Unlock(NULL)))   return(0);// titleDraw_Text_GDI("REVENGE OF PING", 275,30,               RGB(255,255,255), lpddsprimary);// titleDraw_Text_GDI("REVENGE OF PING", 275,30,               RGB(255,255,255), lpddsprimary);// flip the surfacesDDraw_Flip();  // now unlock the primary surfaceif (FAILED(lpddsprimary->Unlock(NULL)))   return(0);// sleep a bitSleep(30);// return success or failure or your own return code herereturn(1);} // end Game_Main/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int Game_Init(void *parms = NULL, int num_parms = 0){// this is called once after the initial window is created and// before the main event loop is entered, do all your initialization// here	int index;         // looping varchar filename[80]; // used to build up files names// initialize directdrawDDraw_Init(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BPP); // load in paddle1 imageLoad_Bitmap_File(&bitmap8bit, "PONGTHING.BMP");// set the palette to the palette of the generatorsSet_Palette(bitmap8bit.palette); // unload the map bitmapUnload_Bitmap_File(&bitmap8bit);// create and load the reactor bitmap image//Create_Bitmap(&paddle1, 0,0, 50, 85);//Load_Image_Bitmap(&paddle1,&bitmap8bit,0,0,BITMAP_EXTRACT_MODE_ABS);//Unload_Bitmap_File(&bitmap8bit);// finally attach the palette to the primary surfaceif (FAILED(lpddsprimary->SetPalette(lpddpal)))    {    // error    return(0);    } // end if// load the 8-bit imageif (!Load_Bitmap_File(&bitmap,"pongthing.bmp"))   return(0);// load it''s palette into directdrawif (FAILED(lpddpal->SetEntries(0,0,MAX_COLORS_PALETTE,bitmap.palette)))   return(0);// clean the surfaceDDraw_Fill_Surface(lpddsprimary,0);// return success or failure or your own return code herereturn(1);} // end Game_Init/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int Game_Shutdown(void *parms = NULL, int num_parms = 0){// this is called after the game is exited and the main event// loop while is exited, do all you cleanup and shutdown here// first the paletteif (lpddpal)   {   lpddpal->Release();   lpddpal = NULL;   } // end if// now the primary surfaceif (lpddsprimary)   {   lpddsprimary->Release();   lpddsprimary = NULL;   } // end if// now blow away the IDirectDraw4 interfaceif (lpdd)   {   lpdd->Release();   lpdd = NULL;   } // end if// unload the bitmap file, we no longer need itUnload_Bitmap_File(&bitmap);// return success or failure or your own return code herereturn(1);} // end Game_Shutdown// WINMAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////int WINAPI WinMain(	HINSTANCE hinstance,					HINSTANCE hprevinstance,					LPSTR lpcmdline,					int ncmdshow){WNDCLASSEX winclass; // this will hold the class we createHWND	   hwnd;	 // generic window handleMSG		   msg;		 // generic messageHDC        hdc;      // graphics device context// first fill in the window class stucturewinclass.cbSize         = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);			= CS_DBLCLKS | CS_OWNDC |                           CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;winclass.lpfnWndProc	= WindowProc;winclass.cbClsExtra		= 0;winclass.cbWndExtra		= 0;winclass.hInstance		= hinstance;winclass.hIcon			= LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);winclass.hCursor		= LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); winclass.hbrBackground	= (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);winclass.lpszMenuName	= NULL;winclass.lpszClassName	= WINDOW_CLASS_NAME;winclass.hIconSm        = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);// save hinstance in globalhinstance_app = hinstance;// register the window classif (!RegisterClassEx(&winclass))	return(0);// create the windowif (!(hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL,                  // extended style                            WINDOW_CLASS_NAME,     // class						    "DirectDraw Full-Screen Demo", // title						    WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE,					 	    0,0,	  // initial x,y						    SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT,  // initial width, height						    NULL,	  // handle to parent 						    NULL,	  // handle to menu						    hinstance,// instance of this application						    NULL)))	// extra creation parmsreturn(0);// save main window handlemain_window_handle = hwnd;// initialize game hereGame_Init();// enter main event loopwhile(TRUE)	{    // test if there is a message in queue, if so get it	if (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE))	   { 	   // test if this is a quit       if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)           break;		   // translate any accelerator keys	   TranslateMessage(&msg);	   // send the message to the window proc	   DispatchMessage(&msg);	   } // end if           // main game processing goes here       Game_Main();       	} // end while// closedown game hereGame_Shutdown();// return to Windows like thisreturn(msg.wParam);} // end WinMain///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Digging through my old DX apps, I found this function

  LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 SurfaceFromBitmap(LPCTSTR file_name){	HDC hdc;	HBITMAP bit;	LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 surf;	// load the interface bitmap	bit=(HBITMAP) LoadImage(NULL,file_name,IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,								LR_DEFAULTSIZE|LR_LOADFROMFILE);	if (!bit) 		// failed to load, return failure to caller		return NULL;	// get bitmap dimensions	BITMAP bitmap;    GetObject( bit, sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap );	int surf_width=bitmap.bmWidth;	int surf_height=bitmap.bmHeight;	// create surface	HRESULT ddrval;	DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd;	ZeroMemory(&ddsd,sizeof(ddsd));	ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);	ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT ;	ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN; 	ddsd.dwWidth = surf_width;	ddsd.dwHeight = surf_height; 	// attempt to create surface	ddrval=DD->CreateSurface(&ddsd,&surf,NULL);	// created ok?	if (ddrval!=DD_OK) {		// no, release the bitmap and return failure to caller		DeleteObject(bit);		return NULL;	} else {		// yes, get a DC for the surface		surf->GetDC(&hdc);		// generate a compatible DC		HDC bit_dc=CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);		// blit the interface to the surface		SelectObject(bit_dc,bit);		BitBlt(hdc,0,0,surf_width,surf_height,bit_dc,0,0,SRCCOPY);		// release the DCs		surf->ReleaseDC(hdc);		DeleteDC(bit_dc);		// save the dimensions if rectangle pointer provided		}	// clear bitmap 	DeleteObject(bit);	// return pointer to caller	return surf;}  

Hope this helped!
TechleadEnilno, the Ultima 2

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