
Visual C++ 6.0

Started by March 04, 2003 10:21 PM
2 comments, last by RanBlade 21 years, 11 months ago
Iam just wondering if it is possible to add openGL32.lib GLu32.lib and GLaux.lib or any other library to the link as a defualt. it gets old everytime i start a project i have to remember to do that so if there is a way to make it default that would be great... any help would be great

Eric Ranaldi a.k.a RanBlade

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since msvc6 wizards are precompiled, you can''t change them unless you get source code from ms. what you can do is have a header that does #pragma comment(lib, ...) and include that header in all your projects.
But, um, you CAN make your own MSVC6 wizards. There''s even a wizard to make a wizard project for you. I''ve done it many times in the past, it works great (haven''t made one that sets up a basic OpenGL project, though, if I had one I''d share it).

Isn''t there an OpenGL app wizard posted on NeHe''s site? If not, search Google for an OpenGL Visual Studio wizard and you''ll find one. I''ve seen a few floating around.

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