Visual C++ 6.0
Iam just wondering if it is possible to add openGL32.lib GLu32.lib and GLaux.lib or any other library to the link as a defualt. it gets old everytime i start a project i have to remember to do that so if there is a way to make it default that would be great... any help would be great
Eric Ranaldi a.k.a RanBlade
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since msvc6 wizards are precompiled, you can''t change them unless you get source code from ms. what you can do is have a header that does #pragma comment(lib, ...) and include that header in all your projects.
But, um, you CAN make your own MSVC6 wizards. There''s even a wizard to make a wizard project for you. I''ve done it many times in the past, it works great (haven''t made one that sets up a basic OpenGL project, though, if I had one I''d share it).
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