
Survey regarding 3D modelling and animation

Started by March 04, 2003 06:57 AM
-1 comments, last by darkknight13 21 years, 11 months ago
Dear All I would much appreciate if anyone could take the time out just to fill in the below questionnaire. Thanks for your time and patience, Edward Pulis Multimedia Student final Year student. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK.> 3D Modelling Questionnaire As part of a research paper into CG, the following questionnaire has been designed to analyse certain 3D philosophies adopted by digital artists, such as you. By filling in the questionnaire, you will have helped in making the survey more valid and the analysis more accurate, which will be later speculated about within the research paper. Your time is very much appreciated. Name: Age: Is there a specialism which best describes you? Modeler Texturer Animator Digital Artist (All rounder) Other (Please specify) Have you had any experience working in the games or film industry? If so, what have you worked on and what position(s) or responsibility(ies) have you held? Which of following software have you worked with and/or still use/prefer? Maya Softimage Lightscape Lightwave 3D Cinema 4D Electric image Renderman 3Ds Max Renderman Truespace Rhino Bryce Poser Strata 3D Pixel 3D Realviz Kaydara-Film Solid Thinking (Please specify) From the chosen list, what are your reasons for using such pieces of software? (For example, you work with 3Ds max because it is geared towards gaming, etc) In your experience and in terms of 3D graphics would you say? Less is more The more detail and resolution the better Please give reasons for your answer For 3D modelling, what are your preferred tool-sets or method(s) of modelling? NURBS Polygonal Patch Grids/Spline modelling Primitive Fractal Other (Please specify) Have there been occasions where certain tools were required even though your preferred choice seemed more practical? If so, what were those occasions and what did you have to work with instead of your preference? In your experience, have you had to use a specific tool-set to conform to pre-determined textures or animation routine? If so, please describe the circumstances (For example, geometry which had to suit a predefined walk cycle) If you have had to work with real-time environments, as well as pre-rendered CG, which would you say is easier to produce models for? Pre-rendered CG animation Real time environment Please give reasons for your answer Which, in your opinion, is the best tool-set of method(s) for general purpose modelling? (General purpose being environment design and basic character modelling) Is 3D digitizing or scanning always the best modelling solution, in your opinion? Please explain your view If you have worked in the games/film industries are there suggested tool-sets/methods, which are commonly used amongst 3D artists in the field? If so what are they? In your view, what is more important? Better quality maps on a model Models which are high in detail Does this preference of principle affect your choice of modelling methods and if so why? Do you believe in the use of Plug-ins to create models? If you do or do not, please explain

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