Memorable moments of LOTR - The Two Towers -
I just loved Gollum or should I say Smeagol to pieces / I know next film he is nasty Gollum( no more smeagol) and I will hate him but I would agree that any part with Gollum was GREAT ... most memorable for me ( as in the books) was when Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn meet Gandalf the White ( total feel good moment) What can I say GREAT GREAT movie / cant wait for the next one

March 02, 2003 09:27 AM
Original post by wojtos
... one thing that pissed me off was that every time he made some kind of face, people started laughing in the theatre.
Thats one thing i don''t like about american cinemas. In england, (at least all the ones i''ve been to), Everyone just sits there and silently watches the film

I liked how they finished the movie...with the speach form sam. I dont think those who haven''t read the books (and saw the first and perhaps the second) realize how important he is, that is until the ending of TTT. The unfortunate thing is that in order to do the ending, they had to chop off the last four (i think) chapters of TTT - we have to wait one full year to see shelob

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