
Generating and Drawing Terrain

Started by March 01, 2003 04:47 PM
3 comments, last by Sky 22 years ago

  line1[0] = rand()%100/100;
  line2[0] = rand()%100/100;
  for (int a = 1; a < 20; a ++) {
    line1[a] = line1[a-1] + (rand()%10)/10;
    line2[a] = line2[a-1] + (rand()%10)/10;

  for (int a = 0; a < 20; a++) 
    for (int b = 0; b < 20; b++) 
      array[a][b] = (line1[a] + line2[b])/2;
This is my initialization of the array...
  for (int tx = 0; tx < 20; tx ++) {
    for (int ty = 0; ty < 20; ty++) {
      glVertex3f(tx  -10,array[tx][ty]-5,     ty -10);
      glVertex3f(tx  -10,array[tx+1][ty]-5,   ty+1-10);
      glVertex3f(tx+1-10,array[tx][ty+1]-5,   ty+1-10);  
      glVertex3f(tx+1-10,array[tx+1][ty+1]-5, ty -10);  
That's where I render it... But its not being a nice rolling terrain.... Its just flat, and then at the very edge some of it just juts up... Any idea whats wrong? [edited by - Sky on March 1, 2003 5:48:50 PM] [edited by - Sky on March 1, 2003 5:49:09 PM]
I have a feeling that (rand()%10)/10 is being worked as an integer caculation, which will always get 0 as a result... try changing it to float(rand()%10)/10.0f

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ooo good point ::goes to test::
Ok, now two things...

    glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);  glColor3f(0,1,0);  for (int ty = 0; ty < 20; ty ++) {    glVertex3f(-10.0f,array[0][ty]-5.0f,ty-10.0f);    glVertex3f(-10.0f,array[0][ty+1]-5.0f,ty-9.0f);    for (int tx = 1; tx < 20; tx++) {      glVertex3f(tx-10.0f,array[tx+1][ty]-5, ty -10.0f);        glVertex3f(tx-10.0f,array[tx+1][ty+1]-5,   ty-9.0f);      }  }  glEnd();  

There''s my rendering code again, and here''s my initializing:

    line1[0] = float(rand()%100)/100.0f;  line2[0] = float(rand()%100)/100.0f;  for (int a = 1; a < 20; a ++) {    line1[a] = line1[a-1] + float(rand()%10)/10.0f;    line2[a] = line2[a-1] + float(rand()%10)/10.0f;  }  for (int a = 0; a < 20; a++)     for (int b = 0; b < 20; b++)       array[a][b] = (line1[a] + line2[b])/2;  

Now it''s really strange, most of it works fine, and renders fine, but in some parts it like flips.... and looks really wierd... Its just really wierd...

And secondly how do I enable shading or lighting or something so that i can see the curves in the texture more clearly?
Oh, and all the arrays are defined as GLfloat.

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