
isnt there a Nehe engine ?

Started by February 26, 2003 11:36 AM
5 comments, last by Vlion 22 years ago
I think I remember a talk about a nehe engine some time ago- am I mistaken ?? I''m looking for a easy engine, and I know NeHe codes some of the most overdocumented code I''ve seen. ~V''lion Bugle4d
If there is one, I don''t know about it...
PM Times change... Excuse my poor english!
There is one. Infact, i have been trying to contact them (when i get around to it) to add my enviroment engine. The openSource one they had called nigmia or somthing like that, was poorly put together so they scraped the idea and started fresh as a closed source. I think like 4 people are apart of the project and they aren''t to motivated so its been a while.

This is all that was explained to me.
"Ngine" was the child of ShiningKnight. Check under his "game tutorials" section for the work he had done. He scrapped it to work on his book for prima tech


Colt "MainRoach" McAnlis
==Colt "MainRoach" McAnlisGraphics Engineer -
Or maybe the NeHe SDK(under downloads), put together by my good self from some of the tutorials
Original post by ThePretender
There is one. Infact, i have been trying to contact them (when i get around to it) to add my enviroment engine. The openSource one they had called nigmia or somthing like that, was poorly put together so they scraped the idea and started fresh as a closed source. I think like 4 people are apart of the project and they aren''t to motivated so its been a while.

This is all that was explained to me.

Yes, the idea was indeed scrapped in favor of a new engine. However, the problem has not been motivation, it has been time. All three of the people working (Trent Polack-(Shining Knight), Evan Pipho-(me!), and Sean Kent) on the new engine are once again working for Premier (formerly Prima Tech). Hopefully, once that is over we will get back to development again.


Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.

Focus On: 3-D Models
Evan Pipho (
Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
If you want a copy of NGine, e-mail me ( I still have it on my pc

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