What was the most unique game that you have played, and did like at same time? (many times really unique ideas lack with gameplay).
Well, my personal favorites:
"True Love", anime-game... hentai though, but the idea is GREAT! Tokinemo Memorial or something is similar to this game.
"Klass Of 99", really fun idea, and great gameplay! Only Savegame option missing

"Quest For Fame", made by Microsoft, featured by Aerosmith, included with virtual guitar controller, and lots of fun gameplay! Why cannot Microsoft do as good platforms as games

Ofcourse I would love to hear about games that aren''t THAT WELL known... Or otherwise everyone are going to post: "Quake 3, because you can play against bots!" or "Unreal Tournament, because you can play assault mode!". In other hand, I think that Team Fortress is nice example about good idea, even though it''s not that ... hmm... "exciting" (anymore).