
What was the most unique game?

Started by May 19, 2000 10:28 AM
31 comments, last by Paladin 24 years, 9 months ago
What was the most unique game that you have played, and did like at same time? (many times really unique ideas lack with gameplay). Well, my personal favorites: "True Love", anime-game... hentai though, but the idea is GREAT! Tokinemo Memorial or something is similar to this game. "Klass Of 99", really fun idea, and great gameplay! Only Savegame option missing "Quest For Fame", made by Microsoft, featured by Aerosmith, included with virtual guitar controller, and lots of fun gameplay! Why cannot Microsoft do as good platforms as games Ofcourse I would love to hear about games that aren''t THAT WELL known... Or otherwise everyone are going to post: "Quake 3, because you can play against bots!" or "Unreal Tournament, because you can play assault mode!". In other hand, I think that Team Fortress is nice example about good idea, even though it''s not that ... hmm... "exciting" (anymore). -Paladin

The Incredible Machine by Sierra
Visual C++ 6.0 by Microsoft (also known as SimDeveloper. *grin*)

~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
That was pretty darn good one!
Even though the original is... well, the "original", but still I like "Sid&AL, Icredible toons", because it has little bit different style, and actually I think that it didn''t sell too well because it was pretty much clone of original TIM.

That was pretty darn good one!
Even though the original is... well, the "original", but still I like "Sid&AL, Icredible toons", because it has little bit different style, and actually I think that it didn''t sell too well because it was pretty much clone of original TIM.

I''m gonna have to say Bust-A-Groove for the Playstation. It''s a very interesting... well... it kinda defies clasification

Basically, the goal of the game was to out-dance your opponent in a Street Fighter-style series of matches... It was kinda similar to PaRappa the Rapper- there were a series of directions you had to press on the beat to do a certain dance move, and the more you got in a row, the better moves you did and the more you scored. There was also a way to "attack" your opponent so that they couldn''t do anything for a round (a surprisingly good way to screw up your opponent''s combos).

The concept is pretty simplistic, but it was a popular game in my dorm room last year

Another game I should mention is the original Mario Bros.- the Battle Mode in Mario 3 (similar but two-player simultaneous) in another surprisingly entertaining multiplayer game.

-- EMail: AIM: SeigfriedH
I think Majesty is a pretty original game... It''s a RTS but you cant control you units, they move by themself, controled by rewards etc...

Game project(s):
=======================Game project(s)
I''m sorry but Sonic the Hedgehog beats you all

Personally I think Elite, Final Frontier.
A space simulator the way it should be! Never seen anything as original as this
The name is Tokimeki Memorial, commonly concatenated into Tokimemo. And if I''m not mistaken, it predates True Love Story which I believe is the title of the game you listed.

Tokimemo''s PSX release was in ''95 and I''m quite certain it was previously released on a variety of platforms including the TG-16.

I would have to nominate Princess Maker, among the first of the bring-up simulation genre.


i need to say more?

-live each day like it will be our last. one day you gonna be right

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