
What's the deal with the assembly tutorial?

Started by May 18, 2000 11:15 PM
3 comments, last by BriarLoDeran 24 years, 9 months ago
I don''t know if this is the right forum or what have you, but this is where I felt like postin''. I''ve never programmed in assembly, so I was lookin'' over the gamedev programming section and there is a link under "General Assembly" oddly enough titled "Assembly Tutorial." Yet, it linked to a blank page. Well, not entirely blank, there were two ads for multiple sclerosis at the top. So, what''s the deal with this? Is there someone I should email or something..? Well anyway... ->Briar LoDeran
He.he. Under recent threads it says "What''s the deal with the ass" Did you plan that? (hmmm... 28 character cut off... so... let''s see, if i type...)
Wow, that''s a hell of a thing! No, that was not intended, just the luck of the draw I guess .

->Briar LoDeran
Sure, sure... you weren''t calling the webmaster names or anything

Anyway, I took a look at the page and it''s source... I guess the content disappeared somehow, or never got written in the first place!

You should probably send an email to

- n8
Thanks for the help, nathany. Hopefully they will look into that soon for the sake of all coders out there.

->Briar LoDeran

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