
Gamer Stats? Percentage with 3D cards?

Started by May 17, 2000 05:20 PM
8 comments, last by Falagard 24 years, 9 months ago
The topic speaks for itself. Does anyone know of a place where they have fairly up-to-date statistics about gamer''s computers? Perhaps surveys about 3D cards? I''m basically trying to guage the target system for the game my team is working on, and would like a percentage of how many players have 3D cards, how many have CPUs over 300mhz, etc. If you guys don''t know where to find such a website, I wouldn''t mind educated guesses... Clay
Clay LarabieLead
65.25% of all gamers have 3D cards.

"72.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot."

I think it would be safe to say that most computers under 2 years old have 3D cards, as they have been shipping them assembled that way for quite some time.
I think that it would also be safe to say that anyone with interest in buying your 3D game probably has an interest in 3D games in general, and will therefore most likely have the necessary hardware to play the "average" 3D game. So, if you aim at the same system reqs as the average 3D game (drop by Best Buy, read the boxes on a few), you should be good to go.

~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
felisandria, it''s not safe to say any of that :-)

I bought a computer 1.2 years ago without a 3D card.

My 3D game is more oriented towards people that enjoy 2D games. It''s an adventure game with 2D backgrounds and 3D characters, similar to Final Fantasy 7,8, Grim Fandango and the like. This game will be more of a social / interactive game attracting pen&paper RPG''ers, and into something more like a graphical chat room with an RPG look and feel. I''m not attracting the general first person blow everything up shooter 3D people. I''m hoping to attract those that actually dislike those games.


Clay LarabieLead
FF7 and 8 ran on the PSX, and that only has a 133(or 166?) MHz processor. I woyuld say, based on most gamers, that the average gamer has at least a PII 233, and those that play heavily in the games department or other 3D will have a 3D card. BTW, I think he ment that most non-bargain priced computers come with 3D. I could buy a 33MHz Pentium if I really wanted to right now, but the general idea is that 500 MHz Celerons are only $89, and a decent video card (Voodoo2+) is available for under $50.

What is a man without goals? A dead man.

---------------------------Hello, and Welcome to some arbitrary temporal location in the space-time continuum.

You''re probably safer assuming reasonably high processer speeds between 233 and 300 than 3D cards. A lot of people have 3D cards, but some of the ones that people have are crappy. You can also usually assume that the user will have at least 16 megs of free ram after windows takes care of the rest.

I would say that the best way to find out what hardware requirements your game can use is to simply look at the specs of any new commercial games that come out. Leave the big companies to do the research, after all they want as many people to be able to play their games as possible.

You said that you are making a game like FFVII/I, so why not look at the specs of those games and similar games in their genre? You should be able to get a good idea of the kind of machine the people who enjoy that genre have.

(By the way Etnu if I remember correctly the PSX only had a 33MHz RISC processor!)

-- Jon Hobson --
---------- JonHobson ----------

Damn, I must have been misinformed.

What is a man without goals? A dead man.

---------------------------Hello, and Welcome to some arbitrary temporal location in the space-time continuum.

"why not look at the specs of those games and similar games in their genre"

Did I mention it''s a massively multiplayer game? It''s not just Final Fantasy 7 - which is completely single player and story driven.

There are no games similar to mine and that''s what it''s important. The basic cross is between The Realm by Sierra, (runs on a pentium 100 with 24 megs of RAM at 640x480 res 255 colors) and Final Fantasy 8 - which DIDN''T run on my AMD K6 300 with 64 megs of RAM and a Voodoo 2 w/ 8 megs RAM. They are very different ends of the spectrum, and so difficult to judge, which is why I was hoping for stats.


Clay LarabieLead
P.S. judging by the playstation specs is just not possible... games running on PC versus games running on PSX are completely different.

Must always judge by PC versions of games, such as FF7 rather than console specs. The Dreamcast is a pentium 200 I believe (or maybe that was the PS2)- ever seen a pentium 200 with graphics like that before? Games are tailored to the hardware and optimized for consoles, which can''t be done for PC games due to the obvious.


Clay LarabieLead

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