
Quaternion to Matrix, column mayor. Howto?

Started by February 18, 2003 07:36 AM
1 comment, last by Seriema 22 years ago
Hi there! I found a quaternion -> matrix, but it didn''t work. Then I found another one, and it only worked for z-axis. What''s going on?? Can someone please post "the correct" one? Preferably in column mayor since I''m using OpenGL. Thanx... "No lies of sugar can sweeten the sournes of reality" }+TITANIUM+{ A.K.A. DXnewbie[onMIRC]
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Conversion matrix in column major order:

	 	1-2*(y*y + z*z)   2*x*y + 2*z*w    2*x*z - 2*y*w	0	2*x*y - 2*z*w	  1-2*(x*x + z*z)  2*y*z + 2*x*w	0	2*x*z + 2*y*w	  2*y*z - 2*x*w    1-2*(x*x + y*y)      0		0                 0                0                    1
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