
Dot (Inner) product of 2 quaternions

Started by February 18, 2003 03:48 AM
6 comments, last by mannam 22 years ago
Can anyone tell me the meaning of dot product between 2 quaternions? What''s the implication of positive and negative product? Thanks. Man
inline float innerproduct( const quaternion& q1, const quaternion& q2)
return q1.x * q2.x + q1.y * q2.y + q1.z * q2.z + q1.w * q2.w;
And it mean the "angle" between quaternions, So i think it is angle of the most of shortest ways between some point in q1 and the same in a q2.

Thanks! minorlogic

That means it''s the same as 3D vector?
Almost ! if we take two heading vectors and angle between it will be same as a between qurternions BUT only if thay don''t rotate around heading.

Just imagime sphere , and point on this. We rotate sphere from q1 to q2 (by shortest way ), and if you will find the point on sphere that does the longest path , it is a angle between quaternions.
ok thanks!
Am I wrong in thinking it will be the same thing as the dot between two vectors? Where the dot product gives you -1.0 to 1.0

1.0 means they are pointing directly the same way, -1directly opposite and a value of 0 90 degrees off? You can then use acos to find the angle?

Correct me if im wrong.
Yes you are wrong. Imagine that q1 and q2 rotate around the same line (vector) . But first for a 30 degrees and second 60. The angle bettwen tham will be 30 degrees.

It is true that it give the value from 0 to 1, but it is not same that angle between vectors.

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