I''m working on a 3D OpenGL demo, and have had some success so far. However, I have encountered a design issue. Is it proper to draw and rotate the world around the camera, or the camera around the world? Both methods seem to have their own peculiar design issues. Is there a tutorial on this subject? (BTW, I have read NeHe''s tutorials How have you guys handled this problem? I''m probably overlooking the obvious, so set me straight! Thank you for your time.
The whole camera system is all in your head, how you prefer to look at it. There is no camera in OpenGL. There is a viewpoint (or if you want to call that the camera, that''s fine) that is ALWAY located at (0,0,0) looking down the negative Z-axis. When you move the camera, you actually move the whole scene in the opposite direction.
That''s why there''s only one modelview matrix, and not a model and a view matrix. If you want to first move the camera and then the object, you have to do it both in the same matrix, so you could as well have said you moved the object twice. It makes no difference to the modelview matrix. It''s a little bit like the classic train effect. Two trains standing next to each other, and one starts to move. Is it your train that moves, or the other train that moves in the other direction?