
Porting Mirko's Ravers Nature for ATi

Started by February 11, 2003 04:10 PM
85 comments, last by vincoof 21 years, 11 months ago
Not so long ago swizzling was a real mess with vertex programs on ATI cards. Fortunately, it is corrected now, and if you have recent drivers that should be ok.

Congratulations for making it working ! That''s some very good news. That''s also excellent news to hear from an additional scene. Please don''t use 5 or 6 texture units otherwise it won''t be available for GeForce3/4
the new scene works only with 2 textures.. but I realy require RC or TS to do it.. It just doesn''t work with texture combiners...

The demo is going realy nice now... only one more scene to fix...

I''ll get the newest drivers to test if the swizzling works...

PS : What''s wrong with GD servers... I geep on getting 500 errors... damn!

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
here''s a beta verison.. I *realy* hope it works...

(particle system scene still doesn''t work on ATi.. but I''m working on it)

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
I'm on the 8500 and I hate to tell you but it froze and I had to cut the power. I got as far as the yellow box scene and the one after that (where blueish designs are kindof swinging right-left) and then a black screen. The music kept play though.. The scene either just before the yellow box or just after (can't remember) might not have been rendering properly either because I got a static scene: kindof cloudy white with yellowish center- looked quite nice but I suspect there was more to it than that.
Not sure however if you are aiming at the 8500. I didn't get any warnings.

actually, I've been quite bad about updating my drivers....perhaps that's it

[edited by - Cat_B on March 11, 2003 12:30:50 AM]
ran fine on my 9500 Pro.

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[edited by - RipTorn on March 11, 2003 11:23:43 PM]
Cat_B : Can you send me log file (if there was even created)... I think I know what could go wrong... how many texture units has Radeon8500? Is it 3 or 6? If it's 3 then it should crash becouse I forgot to check for that... sorry

RipTorn : Nice it ran on at least one machine else tham mine

One thing I've also changed is that warnings are no longer given in form of message box but just logged to log file. All except fatal errors like no multitexture support.

I think I got to all of the bugs on my Radeon9000 now. Thing even runs in full debug mode without any warnings... Now to get it running on 8500. I still have some trouble with vertex programs, but for now a workaround works... And another wierd thing about ATi drivers. If anything goes wrong they crash the machine. On NV you can write just about any stupid thing you want and it will NOT crash in any case. It will just give you some wierd visual results...

These gamedev servers are realy wierd... I have to post each replay +5 times to actualy post...

edit : demo is updated

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on March 12, 2003 4:12:48 AM]
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
That is really awesome. It works perfectly !
Apart from the particle system, I have seen all the scenes (even the new one) without a little glitch.

The Radeon8500 supports 6 texture units, more than GF3/4. I think that the fragment shader spec gives that info btw.

The only remark I have is that it seems the "bumped wood" around the chessboard looks like gold whereas it looked orange/yellow on GF4. Have you changed the shader ?

Huge congratulations for making it so far, and good luck for the final straight line !

ps: I have tested on Radeon8500.
OK, now all of the scenes are there... particle system is a bit different becouse it uses realtime generated texture (generated in fragment shader)... Hope it works... If the will be no major errors I'll send this one to NeHe.

vincoof : I'm glad it finaly works. That scene is abit diferent than in NV verison... It's kind of hard getting the same thing from fragmet shader and RC...

address is the same:

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on March 12, 2003 7:20:33 AM]
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Yay it works with particle system now ! The particles look a bit different but still the scene is here, which means that now all the demo is ported !

About the TSBM shader(s) I could take a look at it and who knows maybe I will notice a little thing that makes the difference. It''s up to you to decide if the current rendering is ok or should be enhanced...

Once again, congratulations !
Original post by _DarkWIng_
Cat_B : Can you send me log file (if there was even created)... I think I know what could go wrong... how many texture units has Radeon8500? Is it 3 or 6? If it''s 3 then it should crash becouse

OK, I sent you the log files.

That''s strange that it works with Vincoof''s 8500... Well, mine is the 8500 LE, if that makes a difference. Anyway, I sent you my implementation as well.

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