
Some Questions

Started by February 10, 2003 09:28 AM
3 comments, last by glnefugio 22 years ago
As I develop my Billiard game I met some problems and questions: 1. I want the Bitmap Font from the NeHe Tutorial to be larger. Can i use glScalef? or do I need a secont Texture with bigger letters? 2. Can I make the displayed Texture be transperent? I mean its already Blended to make black bg to disappear, can I blend again? I haven''t tried it already? 3. I had to find out wich GL Version is installed on the System. I get it from glGetstring(GL_VERSION) thats not the question, but how do I know in wich Version I am coding? is it in the headers? And where do I get new headers from? I have OpenGL 1.4 installed (glGetString says this...) but what Version am I coding? 4. Do you know a FREE Tool that converts me *.bmp File or something into a TGA (uncompressed/compressed)?? THANK YOU REALLY MUCH!!! If you want to look at my game but its a GERMAN site! working on the English one
1)Use Texture fonts ( they are faster and even better )
2)I think you can... just try it out but it shouldnt be a problem...
3)I dont think you are coding in an old version - all the windows OS have a useable version installed
4)Just write one yourself All the code you need is in the NeHe tuts so paste & copy & change

5)Actually, Im in Germany so I can speak German quiet good... So it shouldnt be a problem
PM Times change... Excuse my poor english!
All you who want to visit the site visit this:
There was an spelling mistake...
To glnefugio:
Why are you doing so much things at the same time?

PM Times change... Excuse my poor english!
It''s a Project for School (Facharbeit, sorry don''T know the ENglish word), need it for my exam.

Thanks for correcting the Link :] !
IMHO, the best image converter is The GIMP. Of course it can be used for much much more. And it''s GPL software. Which means it''s free. You can get the Windows version from

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