
Suggestions for mouse cruising- which buttons u like?

Started by February 07, 2003 11:14 PM
1 comment, last by Cat_B 22 years ago
Hi, I am working on a terrain application and I can move around & rotate with the keys (based on lesson 10) but its very confusing, even for me, and I''m the programmer!(I have a lot more keys now than whats in the tutorial) So I''m in the process of changing it to mouse buttons instead and I''m guessing (hoping) you guys have favorite mouse buttons you''d like to cruise around with. Can you please tell me which ones you like for doing which actions? Or if there is some kindof standard?(I don''t play games(long story)..) (One complication is that I also have a windows menu, so for any cruising, at least one button (or key) must be down or I''ll never be able to get at the menu.) Thanx heres basically the idea (as you can see- its a mess!): -Right & left button together: zoom in -Right & left button together plus Ctrl C: zoom out -just left button: rotate up and down -just right buttonan left & right and go up & down (translate) (the "G" key (for gas) could be added to zoom in and out while doing one of the others.) -and finally twisting around the z-axis- have no idea for this.
Make zoom-in,out work by left+right+up/down or use the middle button held, or use the mousewheel if available.

Is twisting around z really important? If so make it ctrl or alt and the button for rotation (+left/right). Plus include a one-shot control for resetting the camera to default rotation parameters. This can be a life-saver
Thanx for the tips. Now that I've got it programmed, I've got

Up/Down arrow: zoom in/out at constant speed
(both of these can be combined with any of the ones below)

Right Button: translate sideways & up/down, depending where the mouse is. The furthur from the origin, the faster it goes

Left Button: rotate about x & y, depending where the mouse is. The furthur from the origin, the faster it goes

Left & Right Buttons together:zoom in/zoom out, depending on where the mouse is in the y direction, speed again depends on value of y (this is really handy!)

F2 plus Right Button:
rotate about z, If pressed in positive x, clockwise;negative x counterclockwise.

And I've got it that you don't have to keep mouving the mouse to keep moving, just press button on a spot and it will keep going unit the button is released. Or you can move it...

How does that sound?

(I have a mousewheel, but its a cordless logitec and it has a neat navigation popup.)

[edited by - Cat_B on February 8, 2003 10:28:47 PM]

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