can anyone tell me, how can i make Lines to glow?????
like a Neonlamp???
Ummm - I dont think you fully understand the problem, so finding a solution is going to be more difficult than you think (glEnable(GL_SPECIALEFFECT_GLOW_LIKE_NEON_BULB) Will make your compiler return an error message along the lines of "GL_SPECIALEFFECT_GLOW_LIKE_NEON_BULB not defined or out of current namespace")
The problem you are looking at is a global illumination problem. Your research is about to take you to the depths of raytracing to radiosity all the way up to photon lighting models. None of which are realtime and will require some kind of lightmapping model to be implemented. Which will be fun. :-)
Other than that, the only advise I can offer for a simple solution is just fake it! Use an alpha blended textured quad and billboard it. You''ll have to transform the quad to be aligned with your neon lamp.
The problem you are looking at is a global illumination problem. Your research is about to take you to the depths of raytracing to radiosity all the way up to photon lighting models. None of which are realtime and will require some kind of lightmapping model to be implemented. Which will be fun. :-)
Other than that, the only advise I can offer for a simple solution is just fake it! Use an alpha blended textured quad and billboard it. You''ll have to transform the quad to be aligned with your neon lamp.
Download my mini-demo code ("The Thing 2003") from NeHe''s. It has a billboarded line function which will allow you to make cool effects, including glow, with lines. (My demo uses it for rendering a lightning-like effect).
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Another way of doing it is like this. Render lines you want to glow to texture (pbuffer, glTexSubCopy,...) with bright colors then use this texture as series of fullscreen blended quads at diferent mipmap levels over normaly drawn scene. See nutty''s glare demo for more detail&code.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
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wolf, please specify whether you want the glow to just simply look like a crappy glow with no interaction with the environment(easily achieved by a single blended texture), or one that changes the walls or looks really nice or something
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