mini demo enties are up... go get em :-)
I just got the chance to test my demo on a Radeon 9700 and sadly it was very messed up. Sorry people with ATI.
How did my demo run (Pescao Loco - which means crazy fish fyi)? I tried to be as "unbias" to video cards as possible but im sure it screwed up somewhere...there are always bugs

Matrix: your demo runs fine on both GeForce and Radeon. Though, the AI does looks pretty basic but I don''t think it has to do with video cards 
iNsaNEiVaN: the demo messes up the texture on Radeon for the second scene (all white, but shapes are still visible) and the shadows messes up on GeForce because of polygon anti-aliasing. The music is pretty original btw, compared to other demos musics. Though, I don''t remember which game the music was designed for... easy answer is FF, but not sure it''s it.

iNsaNEiVaN: the demo messes up the texture on Radeon for the second scene (all white, but shapes are still visible) and the shadows messes up on GeForce because of polygon anti-aliasing. The music is pretty original btw, compared to other demos musics. Though, I don''t remember which game the music was designed for... easy answer is FF, but not sure it''s it.
Original post by lc_overlord
I would have ported it to linux, but i know nothing about linux programming so i skipped it, it would be nice if someone would port it to linux.
I tried to compile your sources, but can not find the "particle.h" file. Are you sure the zip files contains all necessary files for compilation ?
Though, the AI does looks pretty basic but I don''t think it has to do with video cards
There actually is no AI

my bad, just delete that include line, the demo was made from a striped down version of my coldfire engine.
The demo dosn''t use any particelsystems so that function has been removed.
However i seem to have left an include in draw.h.
The demo dosn''t use any particelsystems so that function has been removed.
However i seem to have left an include in draw.h. | | | glAux fix for lesson 6 | [twitter]thegeekstate[/twitter]
Original post by llvllatrix
...So i just replaced it with random numbers...
and yet, do the same in a first person shooter and it''s a mirvel of programming...
(If you don''t know what I''m on about spectate in quake 3 through a low skilled bots eyes

| - Project-X - my mega project.. yup, still cracking along

lc_overlord: I had to make few other changes, but right now it compiles correctly. Thanks !
vincoof: for your information wine stands for:
Wine Is Not a windows Emulator
anyway, I thought some people were using SDL etc. so all that would be required is some tweaks and a recompile. nm, I''ll try porting the winners
Wine Is Not a windows Emulator
anyway, I thought some people were using SDL etc. so all that would be required is some tweaks and a recompile. nm, I''ll try porting the winners

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