

Started by February 03, 2003 05:25 PM
10 comments, last by ts0 22 years ago
hy! everything is workin fine but if i want to compile a program unter linux where a -lGLU flag is needed there comes an error! >>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -ansi lesson03.c -o lesson03 -lGL -lGLU `sdl-config --cflags --libs` /usr/i386-slackware-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lGLU collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [all] Error 1 <<<<<<<<<<< thx for your help! -------- ts0
after the file name add -B /usr/X11R6/lib
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind
that doesn''t work!
AFAIK it is -L, not -B
Make sure you have GLU libraries there!
First work out where you GLU is installed:

locate libGLU

Then add to these switches at compile time:

-L/path/to/librarys/ -lGLU

i have problems installing glut under linux!

is there one single script/... so that i can install all needed libraries for glut and install glut in one command?

like apt-get (debian)?

or do i have to install every single library itself?


to install glut download the mesa source and compile it, go through it and pick out the files you need and copy them to where you want them (prolly /usr/X11R6/lib etc...)

or at least that is what I had to do, i couldnt find the source for glut anywhere else, it seems to be old and not used that much anymore.
but glut needs about 5-8 libraries to be successfully installed!

what exactly do i need if -lGLU isn''t found???!!!
glut? ...

does anyone has some good manuals for installing this? cause i got some problems with this imake shit.


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