
Sparc... Is it worth it?

Started by February 02, 2003 02:22 AM
7 comments, last by kill 21 years, 7 months ago
In my continuing effort to learn Unix I''m looking into getting another computer to set up as a dhcp server/firewall/etc. My options include running Linux or FreeBSD. I do not want to spend more then $120. I can buy an old Intel/AMD machine or spend money of an old Sparc. Given these alternatives, is it worth it to buy an old Sparc system on e-bay, or should I just get a plain old x86? The reason I wanted to get a Sparc is simply to surround myself with something new and since I never had any experience with it I am considering buying it. Also, I want the hardware setup to be as painless as possible. Ideally I would use the same keyboard, mouse and monitor for both machines (I plan to get a switch that lets you redirect the input and monitor output to/from a particular machine). Is this setup possible on a sparc? Can an optic Microsoft mouse work with Sun''s machine (an oxymoron?). Thanks in advance. Any advice is appreciated.
If all you want to use this machine for is as a firewall/dhcp server, then there''s no reason to get a sparc. Hell, you could even just find an old 486 for like $20, and you''re set.

Of course, if you want to learn about sparcs, then by all means, go for it.
you should go for the sparc because chicks dig sparcs. its all about the chicks.
Bah, Sparcs aren''t that special, sure Solaris is better than Loonix but you might as well get a P200 or something and install FreeBSD on it..

Now SGI boxen OTOH..

/Mikael (who needs a new gfx card for his Impact Indigo^2)
If you want solaris I believe that is available free for download for some architecture...but not Intel (it''s about £30 for the single CPU version).

I hate the Sparc keyboard too...caps lock and ctrl swapping places? Why?
quote: Original post by kill
Also, I want the hardware setup to be as painless as possible. Ideally I would use the same keyboard, mouse and monitor for both machines (I plan to get a switch that lets you redirect the input and monitor output to/from a particular machine). Is this setup possible on a sparc? Can an optic Microsoft mouse work with Sun''s machine (an oxymoron?).

The keyboard is not compatible. Probably not the mouse either. If I remember correctly, a keyboard for teh sparc machine will cost $80 or so.
Why wouldn''t the mouse work? Can''t Sparcs use X as their graphics server? If that is the case (why would it not be?) you can always use a standard mouse, provided you''ve got a port for it on your computer.
I think there adapters to use standard PC things like monitors and keyboards on sparcs. I know of monitors for sure not sure about the rest. check ebay ive seen them there.
quote: Original post by CmndrM
Why wouldn''t the mouse work? Can''t Sparcs use X as their graphics server? If that is the case (why would it not be?) you can always use a standard mouse, provided you''ve got a port for it on your computer.

If the sparc supports RS232 mice (serial) it might work. PS/2 is an IBM invention for PC. I doubt sun machines support it. USB is pretty much out of the question for old sparcs.

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