
2D racing clone

Started by May 13, 2000 05:06 AM
1 comment, last by pba01 24 years, 4 months ago
I''m wanting to make a 2D racing clone like Out Run or Lotus. Does anybody know of any source code that I could browse through? Cheers in advance Paul Atkinson
Actually, I don''t have any, but you can use the Morfit Engine ( to make a decent 3D racing game (or so I''ve been told).

Sorry I couldn''t be much help in the 2D world

"Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
"I have a dream... that I would make the coolest RPG ever!!!" - DarkMage139
- DarkMage139
I don''t have sources or anything, but when I come to think about it, it should be pretty darn easy. Think about it like this:

The car has to move between vectors that are running from the horizon... actually because we DON''T have 3D, we can draw game like this (even tought this is from Bird perspective, same rules occurr):

* *
* *
* C *

C is the car, and * is the edge of the road. Now... hmm... how could I explain this easy way... You will actually need only sprite/bitmap-scaling function to make trees (or whatever) bigger, and some way to draw the road. Then you will start drawing the furthest sprites first (with scaling to small size) and then you start drawing sprites closer and closer to the screen. This creates the 3D-effect. This might be pretty easy to create on double-array with form [blockx,blocky]. Then just save information about positions of trees/edges of the road for this array... Sounds easy

Basically, if you can first create ascii-based birdperspective driving game, then you should be able to create 3D-version of it really easily!

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