

Started by January 31, 2003 10:22 PM
30 comments, last by elendil67 21 years, 7 months ago
Aren''t they merging into a single company/gui producer now anyways? I think the newest KDE was jointly producet.. but don''t hold me to that. I personally used KDE when I had linux installed, but i''ve used knome also, and both worked just as well.

trim the fat
Aren''t they merging into a single company/gui producer now anyways? I think the newest KDE was jointly producet.. but don''t hold me to that. I personally used KDE when I had linux installed, but i''ve used knome also, and both worked just as well.

I used KDE on slack and mandrake

I use gnome now on debian.

gnome is being nice, kde was being nice

I figure I justpl ain use more gtk apps that qt, so why have the bloat sitting there. (xchat gaim etc...)
hmmm im getting mixed results here. What will you guys say if i threw in Enlightenment and WindowMaker etc.? I know it''s just personal preference, but what do you prefer? Thanks.
When you go homeTell them of us, and say:For your tomorrow,We gave our today.
Enlightenment is pretty cool. There are a couple of things that I like about WM, but overall, I dislike it.
I was looking at screenshots of Enlightenment and it looked kind of ugly. What is so cool about Enlightenment? I''m wondering about this, as a friend also recommended it to me. Thanks.
When you go homeTell them of us, and say:For your tomorrow,We gave our today.
I like enlightenment, but there hasn''t seemed to be any progress done on it in a long time (admittedly I haven''t checked out their CVS access...but I''m not comfortable enough with Linux to install bleeding edge software). I admit I pretty much stick with Gnome with the H20 theme . Personally I think it''s better than any of the Liquid, Keramik or Noia themes which are all the rage...I do wish people would stop making Mac OSX clones and come up with something new....even if the H20 port is YAMOSXC (yet another mac osx clone).

I''d really like to try fluxbox, but for the life of me, I can''t figure out how to get it put in the menu option when GDM starts up. I suppose I can tinker with the xinitrc script, but I don''t want to hose anything.

But check out their website and it looks like blackbox, but with some added tweaks and a little bit of Gnome support.
The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." - General Omar Bradley
I''d install both so if you have programs that use KDE or GNOME libraries, you can run them. For use, I''d suggest KDE only because it seems to run a lot faster than GNOME.
Sup guys?
KDE faster than GNOME??? You''ve got to be kidding me. Every version of KDE I''ve ever used has been considerably slower than GNOME.

Also, as for Enlightenment, the default themes aren''t really that great, but there''s a plethora of user-created themes, many of which are the definition of "pwnage".

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