

Started by January 31, 2003 10:22 PM
30 comments, last by elendil67 21 years, 7 months ago
What would you recommend? KDE or GNOME? Thanks.
When you go homeTell them of us, and say:For your tomorrow,We gave our today.
KDE cause it looks cooler IMO
Why not just try them both, and see which one you like more? After all, it''s really just a matter of personal preference.
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
you can install them both
so install them both
and try each one out
that way you wont have to do a re-install if you dont like one of them

"I pity the fool, thug, or soul who tries to take over the world, then goes home crying to his momma."
- Mr. T
you should avoid asking questions like this, its almost always a personal thing and you have to try them and decide for yourself. see also d3d vs opengl, win vs linux vs mac, boxers vs briefs, etc...
I''d vote for OpenGL, Linux, briefs (i don''t trust boxers. I mean, what happens if I decide to prop my feet up? Woooo!), and Gnome. But that''s just me. I also like analog watches better than digital watches. And it''s ketchup, not catsup. CRT, not LCD. DTS, not DD. AMD, not Intel. nVidia, not ATI. C++, not C (in general, anyways). NBC, not ABC.

What am I doing up? I need some sleep.
I like the DARK layout!
quote: Original post by BradDaBug
briefs (i don''t trust boxers. I mean, what happens if I decide to prop my feet up? Woooo!)
Wear some trousers!
I''ve tried the latest version of KDE (3.1, just released a few days ago). And while it LOOKS cool, that''s about the end of anything good about it. I get all kinds of problems, like Konqueror crashing whenever I try to use it as a file manager. I still prefer GNOME (2, of course), but if there''s ever a bugfix of KDE 3.1, I''ll give it another try.
Ok I''ll try that. Thanks. I think that KDE will win if it comes down to looks () because I have the Aqua (OS X) skin and the Aqua Fusion icons. Very sexy.

By the way: I started developing for Linux last night. I did some basic vi coding, gcc compiling, made some makefiles, and tarred some stuff. Man that is as fun as hell! Doing simple stuff like makefiles and gcc compiling is a nice break from pressing the build button in MSVC++!
When you go homeTell them of us, and say:For your tomorrow,We gave our today.
From a programming perspective I''ve heard that Qt is easier to understand than the GTK (Qt is the toolkit and programming interface used for many KDE apps, and GTK is the toolkit used for creating Gnome programs) but I haven''t done any myself. I have briefly looked at some of the documentation, and they both seem similar, so I''m not really sure.

Alot of the debate about KDE Gnome also seems to be a philosophical one, as Gnome is a more "pure" open-source desktop solution, whereas KDE has its roots in a commercial company (Qt is owned by Trolltech, GTK is an opensource API).

I personally happen to like Gnome a little more, but it does seem a bit less intuitive than KDE and not as well integrated. I personally think Gnome is nicer looking, even though you''ll see a lot more flashy themes and skins for KDE (for some reason, I just don''t like most of the icons in KDE). I actually tend to use enlightenment more than anything else, and one of these days I''d like to get Fluxbox to install on my system, but I can''t seem to get it to work.
The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." - General Omar Bradley

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