

Started by May 12, 2000 09:44 PM
49 comments, last by Repentance 24 years, 4 months ago
I realize this is a rather stupid/meaningless topic. Although I''m still posting [Not for status, as status doesn''t equal cash as you crap-posters are aware I hope]

My contribution:-

Pizza is tasty. The funny thing about pizza, is techinically a pizza can be a lump of bread. I mean, you''ve seen those Square based Pizza''s right, now just say you want minimal Cheese & Tomato, and Super Thin Crust - what do you have.... Something as thin as a pancake (Mathematically, delta x Thickness). Then you just say you want a Big ol'' juicy Cheese-Burger as toppings.

Myopic Dewd: Considering there are so many Game developers keen to talk shit about Pizzas. Maybe it could be a good idea to run a Pizza Game Contest, to see who can make the best pizza game. I think there would be a lot of varied entries, I mean what the heck is a pizza game? Nobody knows, it''s just a game which involves pizzas

If I wanted to just accumulate my stats, I would''nt bother writing so much shit


Flash Pool - Pool/Billiards game for Facebook (developed by Memir).

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