Hello everbody?
I habe a big question. Maybe someone before asked this but the search is still disabled.
My Question:
Is there any tutorial for implement & programming a console, because I want to add one in my modified Nehe-Basecode 2. I haven´t fount anything like that.
Thanky foru your attenation
you don''t really need a tut for something like a console.
Just find yourself a good string handler (ie, stl string) and code away.
you will learn more this way.
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Just find yourself a good string handler (ie, stl string) and code away.
you will learn more this way.
| - Project-X - my mega project.. big things comming soon - | - adDeath - an ad blocker I made - | - email me - |
std::vector<std::string> lines;std::string currentLine;onKeyDown { if(isChar(key)) currentLine += std::string(key); if(key == ''\n'') { lines.push_back(currentLine); processLine(currentLine); }}
processLine(std::string line) { if(line=="quit") { PostQuitMessage(0); }}
onDrawConsole { for(std::size_t i=0;i<lines.size();++i) { glPrint(0,i*16,lines[i].c_str()); }}
basic, buggy, not very useful, but the idea is given now..
#include <string>#include <vector>
"take a look around" - limp bizkit
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia
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For command processing, std::hash_map comes in handy.
Consider this (warning! long, but it actually works
Consider this (warning! long, but it actually works

#include <map>#include <hash_map>#include <vector>#include <string>using namespace std;// console commandclass Command{public: virtual ~Command() {} // this is called by the console handler virtual void execute(vector<string>& params){};};// command function typetypedef void (*command_function)(vector<string>& params);class CommandFun : public Command{ command_function _fun;public: // create a command, takes command CommandFun(void (*Fun)(vector<string>& params)) : _fun(Fun) {} // execute console command void execute(vector<string>& params) { _fun(params); }};// member function command handlertemplate<class T>class CommandMemFun : public Command{ T* _obj; void (T::*_memFun)(vector<string>& params);public: // create a command, takes command CommandMemFun(T* Obj, void (T::*MemFun)(vector<string>& params)) : _obj(Obj), _memFun(MemFun) {} // execute console command void execute(vector<string>& params) { (_obj->*_memFun)(params); }};// make lower casestring toLower(const string& text){ string result = text; for (int n = 0; n < result.size(); ++n) result[n] = tolower(result[n]); return result;}// parse paramsvector<string> parseParams(const string& line){ static char temp[256]; vector<string> vResult; copy(line.begin(), line.end(), temp); temp[line.size()] = 0; char* pToken = strtok(temp, " \t"); while (pToken != 0) { vResult.push_back(toLower(pToken)); pToken = strtok(0, " \t"); } return vResult;}class Console{ typedef hash_map<string, Command*> command_map_t; // command map command_map_t _commandMap; vector<string> _lines;public: // register a new console command void registerCommand(const string& command, Command* function) { _commandMap[toLower(command)] = function; } void processLine (const string& line) { // only if input is valid if (line.size()) { // parse command line vector<string> params = parseParams(line); // find command command_map_t::iterator cmd = _commandMap.find(params[0]); if (cmd != _commandMap.end()) { // execute if found cmd->second->execute(params); } else { _lines.push_back("unknown command"); } } }};// Example:// example functionvoid onQuit(vector<string>& params){ PostQuitMessage(0);}// example classclass Test{public: // void onCall(vector<string>& params) { // do something }};Console con;Test test;// make a few commandsCommandFun cmdQuit(onQuit);CommandMemFun<Test> cmdTest(&test, &Test::onCall);// register them to consolecon.registerCommand("quit", &cmdQuit);con.registerCommand("test", &cmdTest);
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