
Tutorial One Error please help!!

Started by January 24, 2003 06:37 PM
1 comment, last by BlackBox 21 years, 7 months ago
Im using c++ .net and I try to compile the first lesson, and it gives the next errors: GraphicsFinish error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _gluPerspective@32 referenced in function "void __cdecl ReSizeGLScene(int,int)" (?ReSizeGLScene@@YAXHH@Z) GraphicsFinish error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__glLoadIdentity@0 referenced in function "void __cdecl ReSizeGLScene(int,int)" (?ReSizeGLScene@@YAXHH@Z) GraphicsFinish error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__glMatrixMode@4 referenced in function "void __cdecl ReSizeGLScene(int,int)" (?ReSizeGLScene@@YAXHH@Z) Etc, 14 error in total! Does anyone knows what is the problem? Mayby Im linking wrongly the libraries? if so how do I link the libraries to c++ .net? By the way in .net there is no project,settings,... Thank you. ---------------------------- ^_^
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Ok, just fix this problem, HAHAHAHA,

It seems I was not linking right the libraries.

The way to do it .net is not project, settings, ...
But project, add existing item, ...add lib.

I can only laugh now. HAHAHAA

---------------------------- ^_^
Thank you, my good bean. This was quite useful...

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