
Weird lighting problem

Started by January 24, 2003 03:07 PM
2 comments, last by Pontius 22 years, 1 month ago
I am drawing a 3D object on the screen and I am geting some weird results, and I think it has something to do with the lighting, but I''m not sure. When I draw it,i can see the object fine, but it seems to have weird looking lines in places where they shouldn''t be. it''s very hard to explain here, I wish I could add a screenshot as an attachment to show you what i mean. if anyone would be willing to help, please let me know, and i can email you the picture. thanks Pontius
Without knowing the details, I''d say that you''re having depth buffer errors, or floating point precision errors.

I had a similar effect once with a simple ray tracing program that I wrote once upon a time.

If you''re doing the lighting calculations yourself, you might want to calculate ray intersections within an epsilon neighborhood instead of exact intersections.

No, not doing lighting calcs myself. Just simple GL_LIGHT0

I could send a picture of it if you want
If you want I can host the picture, just email me the picture at Just remove both of the "SPAM"s first

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