
glPrint Function

Started by January 19, 2003 07:57 AM
10 comments, last by Sky 22 years, 1 month ago
Arrays are actually just a pointer to an address in memory, in fact, have you ever noticed the glxxv functions? Their arguments say that they accept a pointer, and to use them you pass an array. What you are actually doing is passing a pointer to the array''s starting address.

The moral is that pointers and arrays are more closely related than you think , and that pointers are your friend .
Pointers seem dangerous to use and are quite confusing to me. Though it seems they are also quite useful, and if I could just understand them well enough then I could actually use them too. (I just know that after running this and getting the thing saying it can''t read 0x0000000 or whatever than aim started acting funny giving me the same type of error, and then I had to re-install aim..)

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