
Cinema 4D help

Started by January 18, 2003 12:32 PM
2 comments, last by Mr_Rational 22 years ago
Okay If anyone has C4D I need some assistance on character modelling. The books that come with the program aren''t explaining everything that I need to know. All I''ve been able to create so far is a pair of bone legs and I don''t even know how to put on the ''skins'' or connect them for that matter.
Try under freestuff->tutorials
I think I''m the resident C4d expert

Character modelling... you want to start out with a cube. Set the parameters of the cube to have two divisions on the X axis, and one division on the Y and Z axes. Make the cube editable, then delete the left half of the polys. Put the cube in a symettry object. Then put the symettry object into a HyperNurbs.

Now you should have something that looks like a sphere...

Before you go any further, make sure you are familiar with the Knife, inner extrude, and extrude tools....

Then, you take this spere shape, and you are going to model the head - but only half of it (remember, the other side is going to be a mirrored image - the symettry object). You are going to do this by making cuts to split up the geometry, inner extruding to create more geometry, and extruding to branch out geometry... Basically, its gonna take a good long time lol.

Next step, once your head is done, you can start using the same process, except this time your going to extrude the body out from theneck of the head....

and that, briefly, is ho its done
- T. Wade Murphy
Hey cool thanks. I''ll give it a try.

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