gluSphere(quadratic,radius,32,32);// Draw a sphere (our ball)
glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); // Reset color
obX=bX;//update old ball position to current position
delay=delay-5.0f; //Initial delay = 1000.0f
if (delay<=0)//This is a temporary pause to let screen load
//before ball launch
delay=0; // When delay reaches 0, we launch ball upward
bY=bY+bYvel;// update ballY position
//This lets our ball gradually stop
bYvel=bYvel-decay;//Decrement ballY velocity
//This is our collision and redirection for the top left 45
//degree angle
//c3X,c3Y is coordinate for bottom left corner of top left 45
//degree angle
//c3X,c3Y is our refference point for collision
if (bY >=c3Y)//Are we past c3Y ?
if (c3X-(bX-.02f) > c3Y-(bY+.02f))
Can someone give me a hand with this code?
My dilema is that i cannot keep the ball from moving again once it has stopped. I cannot just use - if (bYvel <= 0) then bYvel=0,
because it will stop the ball in it''s tracks when the collision occurs and bYvel and decay are inverted (the values will be negative, and therefor less than 0).
Well my suggestion would be:
Whenn you slow down the balls check there if the value is then zero or less make it zero
if(value <= 0.0f)
value = 0.0f;
or if the value is negative if(value >= 0.0f)
Whenn you slow down the balls check there if the value is then zero or less make it zero
if(value <= 0.0f)
value = 0.0f;
or if the value is negative if(value >= 0.0f)
January 16, 2003 02:29 PM
Can''t you just use fabs (bYvel); to get the absolute value (i.e. it removes the minus sign if there is one).
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