Please Test this on Windows XP
I just made my own 3d file format and I want to know if it works OK on Windows XP...
I used stl vectors and some pointers...
You should see a blue ball..if it enters the program... test succesfull...
I also put the exes made with 2 compilers...any difference ?
Relative Games - My apps
January 15, 2003 12:55 PM
Ok. didn''t test it on Windows XP, but on Linux with WineX and Wine. Both executables are working fine.
If both exe''s were supposed to show a blue polygon, they both work fine on XP
It works, but is the ball supposed to do anything?
in both tests a blue thing pops up, but it''s not really a ball, it''s more like some irregular hexagon or pentagon.
in both tests a blue thing pops up, but it''s not really a ball, it''s more like some irregular hexagon or pentagon.
Minister of Propaganda : : Nobody likes the man who brings bad news - Sophocles (496 BC - 406 BC), Antigone
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