
Dialogs in DDraw

Started by May 07, 2000 04:47 PM
1 comment, last by ziplux 24 years, 9 months ago
I''m creating a game in which the user must select from a list of servers or enter an IP address. I thought I''d save some time by using regular dialog boxes created at design time with VC6, instead of writing my own edit boxes, dialogs, etc. Now, because I''m using DirectDraw exclusive mode, I have to do something special to display the dialog, right? So what do I have to do? I have looked at the FSWindow SDK example and it doesn''t make any sense ...please help! Visit our web site: Asylum Entertainment
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I have no idea how to do what you want to do, but if I want to ensure a MessageBox gets shown, I just call FlipToGDISurface() first.
hmmm as long as you''re not in a modeX nor mode Y mode...
you can do call dialog box as normal as you call in a regular win 32/mfc app....

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