
Can't load bitmaps

Started by January 10, 2003 05:57 PM
5 comments, last by Jennica 22 years, 1 month ago
No matter what bitmap image I use, I get the following error message: jjh7637[155]% ./lesson6 Width of images/NeHe.bmp: 65536 Height of images/NeHe.bmp: 65536 Planes from images/NeHe.bmp is not 1: 256 The above is the code of Lesson 6, using the exact same bitmap that came with lesson 6 (although I did change the default location of the bitmap). It''s so annoying. Can anyone help me? Sorry for being such an idiot!
well, i''d have to see your whole source code, or at least the whole containing block, but i might be able to help you

Advertisement tutorial #6 code and image for Linux. The only thing I changed was the file location of the image.
so, your files should be in this order then:


in the images folder:



for example, if you don''t understand the above:


and i think those are the only two files you need

assuming that is correct, and your file is in there, the code should work fine
well... the point is that I can''t compile anything with a bitmap. As indicated in the above error message, the program *is* finding the bitmap, but the code can''t handle this bitmap for some mysterious reason...

I even tried to compile Lesson 6 exactly as it was--it would compile, but it fell apart with the same error message and above and exited...

For what it''s worth, I''m working on this via remote SSH (Solaris on the other box, Linux on this box) so maybe it''s a display problem--but that is kind of strange, considering that all the other OpenGL applications not involving bitmaps run fine.
hmm, yes, that is odd, well, maybe double check all of your compiler settings are correct, but if that isn''t the case either, i''m sorry, but i have no idea hehe

i just had the same problem ,try to put a:
#pragma pack(1)
at the beginning. works now ? have a look at :

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