Original post by Xnin
Can some one clarify some things for me, really confusing.
Some guys are saying that in uni, the closest thing they teach is c++ basics etc... Then what happends when u get a job in a programming area? How would basic c++ help? Is uni wasting time????
Don''t forget that beginning students usually have no programming experience whatsoever, not to mention those who have barely touched a computer. And uni''s are usually focussed on the workload an "average" uni-student can handle.
Going into API specific topics is usually not an option because you need the people with experience in that API, the students who have the basic experience, and the time to cover it.
When I look back of how difficult was when I started out at school with programming. It was all chinese to me and I didn''t believe that anything really usefull could be done with it (for me then anyway). Then you get concepts as OO and OO design... and it doesn''t stop there...
The schools goal is always to teach people as many basics as possible so they can grow better in the companies later on, not to release a batch of pre-programmed robots who can only program one language/API very well. That''d be useless for aswell the company that hires people from that school aswell as for the student whose choice of proffession will be narrowed down.