A bitmap file loader in c++
i´m using the linux GLC Nehe-Basecode. As i want to make my own project fully in c++,im trying to recode the bitmap loader wich i think is pure c. here´ s my problem:
how to i check the filetype and filesizes WITHOUT using bfType and/or fread and so on..
the idea is to first make a little prog that only does the loadBMP() part.
original code:
/* make sure the file is there and open it read-only (binary) */
if ((file = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL)
printf("File not found : %s\n", filename);
return 0;
if(!fread(&bfType, sizeof(short int), 1, file))
printf("Error reading file!\n");
return 0;
/* check if file is a bitmap */
if (bfType != 19778)
printf("Not a Bitmap-File!\n");
return 0;
/* get the file size */
/* skip file size and reserved fields of bitmap file header */
fseek(file, 8, SEEK_CUR);
/* get the position of the actual bitmap data */
if (!fread(&bfOffBits, sizeof(long int), 1, file))
printf("Error reading file!\n");
return 0;
printf("Data at Offset: %ld\n", bfOffBits);
My beginning:
ifstream file; //This is my file-handle
cout << "Texturname ? ";
cin >> Texturename;
strcpy (filename, Texturename); //make texturename "comparable"
file.open(filename); //open it
/*checking if file is there,if not exit prog */
if(!file) {
cout << "could not find file texturename ! \n";
return 0;
hi i came across the same thing... do it all in c++ .. i ''ll post a code for loading a tga.. in which he has in c and i put to c++ ... so you can use as a reference.
bool isoX_LoaderTgaLoad (char* Filename,isoXloadertga &Tga){ unsigned int BitsPerPixel; unsigned int BytesPerPixel; unsigned int ImageSize; unsigned char TgaHeader [12] = {0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; unsigned char TgaCompare[12]; unsigned char Header[6]; ifstream File (Filename,ios::binary); if (File == NULL) return false; File.read (reinterpret_cast <char*> (TgaCompare),sizeof(TgaCompare)); if (File.gcount () != sizeof (TgaCompare) || memcmp (TgaCompare,TgaHeader,sizeof (TgaHeader)) != 0) { if (File != NULL) File.close (); return false; } File.read (reinterpret_cast <char*> (Header),sizeof (Header)); if (File.gcount () != sizeof (Header)) { if (File != NULL) File.close(); return false; } Tga.m_Width = Header[1] * 256 + Header[0]; Tga.m_Height = Header[3] * 256 + Header[2]; if (Tga.m_Width <= 0 || Tga.m_Height <= 0 || (Header[4] != 24 && Header[4] != 32)) { File.close (); return false; } BitsPerPixel = Header[4]; BytesPerPixel = BitsPerPixel / 8; ImageSize = Tga.m_Width * Tga.m_Height * BytesPerPixel; Tga.m_Data = new unsigned char [ImageSize]; File.read (reinterpret_cast <char*> (Tga.m_Data),ImageSize); if (File.gcount () != ImageSize) { if (Tga.m_Data != NULL) delete [] Tga.m_Data; File.close (); return false; } for (int Loop = 0; Loop < (int) ImageSize; Loop += BytesPerPixel) { Tga.m_Data[Loop] ^= Tga.m_Data[Loop + 2] ^= Tga.m_Data[Loop] ^= Tga.m_Data[Loop + 2]; } if (BitsPerPixel == 24) {Tga.m_Type = 0x1907;} else {Tga.m_Type = 0x1908;} File.close (); return true;}
Metal Typhoon
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