Collision detection and Arrays
I m french so please excuse me if my english is bad ...
I m building a 3d world from a text file ,
for the momment there is only 2 kinds of pieces in my world
1 means a floor
2 means a cube
I make an object moving throught this world with keyboard
If my object move from a floor to another floor -> ok
If my object move from a floor to a cube -> return to last position and write "collide" on screen
I ve filled an Array called world[][] with my 1 and 2
and declare and int called sens egals to 1 if keys[VK_UP] , 2 -> dow .. etc ..
xpos and zpos represents the position of my object
last_x and last_z the last position of my object
I check if there is a collision like this :
void check_collision () {
switch (sens) {
case 1:
if (world[(int)floor(last_x)][(int)floor(last_z)] == 1 &&
world[(int)floor(xpos)][(int)floor(zpos)] == 2 ) collision=1;
case 2:
if (world[(int)floor(last_x)][(int)floor(last_z+0.5f)] == 1 &&
world[(int)floor(xpos)][(int)floor(zpos+0.5f)] == 2 ) collision=1;
case 3:
if (world[(int)floor(last_x+0.25f)][(int)floor(last_z)] == 1 &&
world[(int)floor(xpos+0.25f)][(int)floor(zpos)] == 2 ) collision=1;
case 4:
if (world[(int)floor(last_x-0.25f)][(int)floor(last_z)] == 1 &&
world[(int)floor(xpos-0.25f)][(int)floor(zpos)] == 2 ) collision=1;
if (collision == 1 ) {
And it works fine ,
but if I pressing simultaneous keys_up and left for exemple , sometimes I can pass throught the cube
If anybody can help me , I can send you the dsw project too (visual 6)
i dont want to put you down, because i started out doing this type of make shift collision detection.
I have some code you can use and learn from to make a great 3d world with perfect detection.
I use an exported ASC file from 3d studio max and i parse it with my own VB program i made so i can read it from my C++ code.
It is very simple and very easy to use
Email if you are interested.
IT Administrator / Software Engineere
I have some code you can use and learn from to make a great 3d world with perfect detection.
I use an exported ASC file from 3d studio max and i parse it with my own VB program i made so i can read it from my C++ code.
It is very simple and very easy to use
Email if you are interested.
IT Administrator / Software Engineere
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
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