
Game feedback

Started by January 03, 2003 05:48 AM
24 comments, last by The Wizard Of Oz 22 years, 1 month ago
Pentium 2.4 GHz
512 DDR Ram
ATI Radeon 9000

And I''m getting about 5 FPS.

Something is very, very, wrong.

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Ouch, I wrote a demo once, ran at 7 fps on my system.

I have a 400mhz processor.
You demo, would probably run at 0.5-0.25 fps.
What could possible cause THAT?
i''ve just found out what the problem whas and fixed it...
i''ve uploaded new version, just minutes ago...

follow the yellow brick road
follow the yellow brick road
P4 1,3ghz, 384mb ram, G-force 2 32mb, 15-20fps

this is under windows 2000 and SP2
much beter!
the tank shadows are err.. could do with sime work lets say?
how did you do the terain?? benzier patches??

2 fps with collitions

30-40 fps

GeForce Ti4200 128M
2.4G P4
1024M DDR 2700

- Jono AH
- JonoRule #1: If you build it, they will come -- to hack and cheat.
no...i''ve randomly generated y coordinates using Gauss''s curve function...builds up quite a nice terrain structure...

follow the yellow brick road
follow the yellow brick road
regarding the tank shadows...i haven''t imported shadows for the one with two wheels or the one with big gun, so the only shadow beeing proccesed at the moment os the one of the F2 tank...

follow the yellow brick road
follow the yellow brick road
Ya... the shadow needs a bit of work...

35-40 fps,
1.2 Ghz Pentuim 4
256 MB RAM
Hmm, it isn't supposed to do anything yet, is it? Except from letting you move the camera around, I mean

Anyway, 30'ish fps constant, on a
1400 mhz tbird
256 ram
geforce 2

Oh, and how about some culling? Even if the underside of the terrain doesn't look too bad, it isn't exactly neccesary...

Oh, and keep us informed... Anything to do with Scorch is fine by me...

[edited by - Spoonster on January 7, 2003 4:14:50 PM]
yup. same problems as everyone else. while sometimes it runs fine (60ish fps solid, odly with vsync set off) other times it will stall when looking in certain directions (5fpsish)

P4 2.53ghz, gig''o''ram, 128m radeon 9k pro.

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