ASC Model format...
Ok, i needed an easy way to get data from my model so i could use collision detection. I created a parser in Visual Basci to parse all the crap from the file and just leave the data to where i could read it from my C++ code.
It works great except for one thing, the texture coords. I cant get them to map correctly. I am using a set texture coord for all triangles so they look somewhat decent, but they are not correct. any idea on how to get them working?
The asc file format goes liek this
[mapped or not mapped]
[vertcies list] (x y z u v)
[Face List] (a b c ab bc ca)
[Smoothing] (What is this for?)
a b and c values of the face definition are numbers representing the vertex that needs to be used for this face. There are also ab bc and ca which i dont know what the heck those are for, they dont draw correctly.
Anyways, i get the vertex info and draw the triangle and use the texture coords from the vertex info, but the texture doesnt map correctly. Any idea?
IT Administrator / Software Engineere
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
the ab, bc, and ca things are for the triangle windings. if you look at the file there is either a 1 or a 0 following them. the ones and zeroes act like booleans. 1 for one direction and 0 for the other direction. say for example the file gives this "ab: 1" that means there is a line going between points a & b. if the file gives you "ab: 0" then that means there is a line moving from point b to point a. if you dont get it then just email me.
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