
Start-Up companies that do shit.

Started by May 03, 2000 04:21 PM
12 comments, last by Zipster 24 years, 4 months ago
Ive been seeing all these little start-up software companies that only make one product (which is basically the only reason they start a "software company"), and its annoying me for some wiered reason. For example, Valve made its debut with Half-Life, but have you ever heard of them again? no........ Relic made Homeworld, but do you hear of them? no........... Not dissing them or anything, HL was cool, but i find it these "one-shot" companies kinda annoying... And the people of this forum tell other ppl to "check out my new game!", so i got there and theres a little cute title of the name of their software company, as if they''re actually going to be making one game after another like software companies like Maxis or Westwood of Microsoft (sorta ). Im just wondering if anyone is thinking the same thing. I didn''t start this post to get flamed , all im doing is expressing my opinion. PCMCIA - People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms ISDN - It Still Does Nothing APPLE - Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity SCSI - System Can't See It DOS - Defunct Operating System BASIC - Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control IBM - I Blame Microsoft DEC - Do Expect Cuts CD-ROM - Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months OS/2 - Obsolete Soon, Too. WWW - World Wide Wait MACINTOSH - Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs
Well, Relic is working on titles with both Sierra and MS, and Homeworld was only released last fall. Valve is working on Team Fortress II. They''re not large companies and don''t have large developement staffs, so they likely won''t work on more than one or two titles at a time. It takes 18+ months to do a quality game. Give them some time. After all, look at how long it takes Blizzard to make a game.

Mark Fassett
Laughing Dragon Entertainment

Mark Fassett

Laughing Dragon Games

yeah, relic is working on an expansion pack for homeworld(i think its a sequel, not sure)
Exactly right, LaughingD. Relic has yet to release information on their "secret project" and Valve is working hard on TF2. The only reason you hear about games from people like Blizzard is because they hype them from day 1.

And what''s wrong with making a software company name? OK, so maybe you just have one game to make, but you''re passionate about it, and want to get it published. Which is more likely to get a publishers attention (or at least prevent from ignoring you completely): "Atypical Interactive" or "Alex''s Super Cool New Game Web Site"

We can''t ALL be a huge company with assembly lines of coders spewing out games. Just because a newbie starts up a company and a game doesn''t mean they won''t make another. And since when does having a company name neccessarily mean you HAVE to have multiple products??

Atypical Interactive
------------------------------Changing the future of adventure gaming...Atypical Interactive
a-ha! Hype!

that is John Romero''s downfall. He hyped daikatana so much we were sick of it, and then when it comes out and sucks... well... thats all she wrote.

"Tell brave deeds of war."
Then they recounted tales, -- "There were stern stands And bitter runs for glory."

Ah, I think there were braver deeds.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.
I totally agree with you. Cavedog, the biggest one hit wonder. I think that to this day Total Annihilation is the best RTS with the best graphics (I''ll never preorder a Westwood title again.) Valve is working on TF2, but the game is already done and thyse bastards are delaying it for a year and a half just to adjust the damage of the guns. Some people say it''s good that companies take time to make a finished product but come on. Saying it will be released "when it''s done" is a slap in the face, who do they think they are? they only made one game and they''re feeding us this? It''s a complete form of disrespect to do this. How long can it take to make this game. The graphics engine was done, there''s no single player missions, and the game itself has already been made (twice.) It''s a huge form of dissrespect to do this to all of their loyal fans and customers. I hope TF2 bombs really bad.
Chrono999 - Valve isn''t spending a year and half to adjust the damage of the guns you fool. Go to school!
Why would they spend a year and half adjusting the damage of the guns? They don''t!

3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
I actually tend to lean more towards buying a game that is released "when it''s done" then one that''s realeased on schedule. If any game is released on schedule, it is a number one candidate for bugs, crappy, gameplay, and, basically, an unfinished game. In a way, I wish that there were no deadlines on games, because then the designers could keep tweaking the game until it''s "done." Of course...then some games might NEVER get realeased, so deadlines are also a good thing.

Also, I like the idea of kinda making up your own little development company when you are a newbie. It sorta gives you a feeling of belonging...even if you ARE the only member. A friend of mine and I started a small programming group (in general, although geared more towards games) called Crystalline Phantasms when we decided to work together on a small project that we started out of boredom. Niether of us has finished a game yet...but it just makes you feel important, like you''re part of a group. I dunno...some stupid psychology crap.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
Hmm, another obsetvation. These startup companies like to be lazy and just create a sequal to their product rather than design a new one. I see. They''re milking their only product for all its worth!
There''s nothing wrong with making sequels, and sometimes, it''s even in the contract you signed, so you don''t have much of a choice. There is nothing lazy about it. Creating a sequel is as difficult as creating the first, just in different ways. Especially if the first was a really good, genre busting game. Really, how does a company top a first title like Half-Life? How does a company top a first title like Homeworld? It''s REALLY difficult. So if you can take any of that code, or design that you wrote the first time around and reuse it, you might just find enough ways to improve it so that you can actually come through with something that won''t disappoint your fans.

It''s takes a lot of work just to make crap software. If you''re aiming higher (and admitedly, many companies don''t seem to), it will take a lot more.

Mark Fassett
Laughing Dragon Entertainment

Mark Fassett

Laughing Dragon Games

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