We all know that game-business is really unstable, and many extremely good games never get for most of the audience...
So my question is: Which game should get "Game that never was played enough" award?
My personal award goes for Realms Of The Haunting. Who knows this game? It's about four years old adventure-fps game, and one of the best games ever made!
It is unbelieveble how bad this game did... First of all I could say that the programming team did unbelieveble big job by filling FOUR CD's with pure-game-stuff during the time of "multimedia games".
Game is real adventure game with BIG playing area, which includes big mansion, yards, other dimensions and so on... there is simply too much to tell about. To simply say, this game literally offers atleast about one week playing before it's trough, and not because it's really hard or anything, but because there is so much to explore. Once again, the game has some shooter elements, but mainly it's PURE adventure game with great puzzles. The plot is complicated and really cool! Satan and god aren't only ones who are fighting for the destiny of this tiny world (as player finds out during the game... there are other dimensions, and TIMES).
Engine is Doom engine, but with nice enchantments (up & down looking, jumping... well, everything except that enemies are sprites), and it provides REALLY *EXTREMELY* detailed world. Game works in 640x480, and if I remember right, it can use up to 16bit graphics! Videos are HIGH-QUALITY, and atleast as good as Red-Alert/C&C videos, and acting is pretty darn nice.
If you can find this game from some shop, buy it, I PROMISE that you will love it

As for Finnish people: I would love to buy this game from anyone who has it for 80mk+pk, please throw a message if you can sell it!
Other games that should win this "award"? I DO NOT ACCEPT games that did well on markets...
ps. Probably one reason why this game didn't do well, is that Gremlin Interactive published it

Edited by - paladin on 5/3/00 1:28:05 PM