
OpenIL as in the Open Input Library???

Started by December 21, 2002 01:08 AM
13 comments, last by tylerbingham 22 years, 2 months ago
Original post by tylerbingham
look man...I will not do this. I am sorry for personally attacking you, that is wrong of me to do.

Apology accepted. No prob.


I just hate the fact that everyone online sits and waits to attack people for stupid sh*t.

Heehee... if you think this is bad, look at the vultures in the Help Wanted forum.

I didn''t know where to post the I asked here. So kill me!!!

Posting in the wrong forum, especially in a case like this, is completely forgivable; a mod would end up moving it to the appropriate forum for you. Crossposting is unacceptable, but a lot of newbies don''t realize that. Crossposting habitually, and changing the titles so that nobody sees it, is the suck.

That said, though... I personally am not out for your blood. Just as long as you don''t keep on crossposting, I don''t see why you should be banned. I mainly intended it as a message to YOU.

Don''t listen to me. I''ve had too much coffee.
Original post by tylerbingham want me banned for posting in the wrong forum???? WHY!!!
He never said that.
All is good. I appreciate you clearing all this stuff up. I am still working on the Moon Patrol project...and I have programmed a standard keyboard dll and a DX8 dll for input(used as plugins--like emulators use), but I was wanting to find out if there was any other ways to program it(especially for cross-platform ability). I appreciate the fact that when it all came down to were human bout all this(not an ass). I know I may post in the wrong place sometimes, but I am posting there beacause I think that the place I post is the best place for the post...not because I am an idiot.
You're looking for what is now DevIL, which has (and never had) nothing to do with input.

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Ripped off from various people

[edited by - wild_pointer on December 21, 2002 8:32:09 AM]
SDL can do what you would expect from an "Open Input Library" and even more.

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