Original post by tylerbingham
look man...I will not do this. I am sorry for personally attacking you, that is wrong of me to do.
Apology accepted. No prob.
I just hate the fact that everyone online sits and waits to attack people for stupid sh*t.
Heehee... if you think this is bad, look at the vultures in the Help Wanted forum.
I didn''t know where to post the question..so I asked here. So kill me!!!
Posting in the wrong forum, especially in a case like this, is completely forgivable; a mod would end up moving it to the appropriate forum for you. Crossposting is unacceptable, but a lot of newbies don''t realize that. Crossposting habitually, and changing the titles so that nobody sees it, is the suck.
That said, though... I personally am not out for your blood. Just as long as you don''t keep on crossposting, I don''t see why you should be banned. I mainly intended it as a message to YOU.
Don''t listen to me. I''ve had too much coffee.