OpenIL as in the Open Input Library???
What happened to the OpenIL(THE INPUT LIBRARY)....I know this question is off topic, but I was wondering if anyone knew where the info on it was???
Yeah, off topic and crossposted. Cut it out.
Oh, and do a freakin' web search, ya idjit. I found it in three seconds. Hint: it was renamed.......
EDIT: Man, you seem to have quite a problem with crossposting. Any staff members feel like doing GameDev a favor and banning the guy?
Don't listen to me. I've had too much coffee.
[edited by - sneftel on December 21, 2002 2:38:49 AM]
Oh, and do a freakin' web search, ya idjit. I found it in three seconds. Hint: it was renamed.......
EDIT: Man, you seem to have quite a problem with crossposting. Any staff members feel like doing GameDev a favor and banning the guy?
Don't listen to me. I've had too much coffee.
[edited by - sneftel on December 21, 2002 2:38:49 AM]
Real nice. Way to advance the programming community. I ask for help and specifically say that it may be off topic and all I get is a smartas* comment. If you know where it is located, why don''t you just tell me and stop being so judgemental. I ask for help and I get hell.
December 21, 2002 01:44 AM
hey man (Sneftel ) what is up your ass?? you act like you are god. Get off ur Hi-Horse
you''re rude....if anyone should be banned it is you. Every ? I asked is in the right forum. Where the hell else are you going to ask bout Open.. besides this forum. Do you want me to ask the software engineering forum?? IDIOT!!! People like you haven''t a clue. I am trying to help the programming are trying to "get me banned". Why?? have nothing better to do?? No life?? God get over it. By the way, I decided to go through your "posts"......great stuff man, really informative.
Original post by tylerbingham
you're rude....if anyone should be banned it is you. Every ? I asked is in the right forum.
With all the forums you've been asking in, it seems likely that you'd get at least one right.Where the hell else are you going to ask bout Open.. besides this forum.
Er, it's OpenGL. You will notice a distinct lack of questions about OpenOffice, OpenCola, or open-anything-other-than-GL.
Do you want me to ask the software engineering forum??
Hmm…. nah. I would suggest General Programming. SoftEng is more about application design.
blah blah blah…By the way, I decided to go through your "posts"……great stuff man, really informative.
Thanks, it's nice to know I'm loved. I went through yours briefly (just enough to see how much you've crossposted and how you hide it from the mods) but didn't go especially in-depth.
Don't listen to me. I've had too much coffee.
[edited by - sneftel on December 21, 2002 2:57:36 AM]
Original post by tylerbingham
What happened to the OpenIL(THE INPUT LIBRARY)....I know this question is off topic, but I was wondering if anyone knew where the info on it was???
OpenIL isnt an input library, its an Imaging Library, used for loading many different image formats for use with OpenGL. Its been renamed to DevIL however.
"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else''s drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
So you of all you want totell me where to find the info that I had a ? about originally, or do you want to continue to debate the forums I choose to post in?
look man...I will not do this. I am sorry for personally attacking you, that is wrong of me to do. I just hate the fact that everyone online sits and waits to attack people for stupid sh*t. I didn''t know where to post the I asked here. So kill me!!! I have worked with NeHe before on Moon Patrol and I thought that the people in his forum would be nice and understanding, but I guess I was wrong. I never meant to cause trouble, but this is want me banned for posting in the wrong forum???? WHY!!!
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