
NeHe, we all have those days!

Started by December 20, 2002 05:02 PM
0 comments, last by titan2782 22 years, 2 months ago
Man, try getting up to go to a big meeting, real important for the sucess of your business, and so your driving and you see this car at the stop sign and you just know that its going to pull out and something is going to happen. Well, it did and my poor car was totaled! I was t-boned by a camaro, i did a 180 and slid 1/4 mile before i stopped (my stereo never skipped once either!!! LOL!). I was ok at least and it was a fun ride, but now i''m stuck with no car and that meeting is history. The only good thing to come out of that was when i went over to beat the hell out of this guy i came across this chick curled in her seat crying. man she was hot! anyways thats what happened to me a while back. I got a phat g-ride now so things always come out good. Like they say it gets worse befor eit gets better, and brother, its been pretty bad for you enough. Good luck IT Administrator / Software Engineere
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
Man, I feel for ya NeHe.

Don''t let life get ya down though... there will be better days.
--------------------------------------------------------------If it sounds like a good idea, do it. It is much harder to get permission than it is to apologize.

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