Original post by Kylotan
How can you say there is no "you know what you do"? When I do something, I can think about it and understand it. Whatever you want to call that, it is a level above merely performing the function itself...
this is the very defintion of self-aweness. As far as I know, the defintion of true life is intelligence, self-awareness and consciousness. Now, the first two are easy to figure out, it is the third that has man baffled for 50,000 years now.
I also agree. I read the article and I don''t think it really proves anything either way.
Man relies on symbols for storage (sights, sounds, concepts). The very nature of this makes it next to impossible for coimputers of the silicon variety to exhibit "life". They can draw a close bead to its beaviors (i.e. with logical rules) but when faced with simple deduction (i.e. pick a woman''s face out of a crowd of men for example) it will fail horribly, simply because a face is a face is a face to a machine. How can it know the essence of the face?
This "search for intelligence" in other forms is indicative more for the search of one''s soul and meaning on this dusty sphere.
So, I do agree you can make a nice static environment on your truely binary system and emulate much of lifes behavior patterns, but the machine will never turn to you one day and say it is bored.