1. Get to know the naming convention
I sort of know the naming convention...I''m learning pretty quick, though!

2. Learn the different functions of a Windows skeleton.
The WinMain() & WindowProcedure() stuff?
3. Become comfortable with using the windows procedure.
Aye! Aye!
4. Menus
You mean, like, creating menus and handling the user selecting their commands (also, via accellerators)?
5. Basic Input from the keyboard and mouse
Okay...I understand the WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_KEYDOWN, etc....but doesn''t WM_KEYDOWN use the virtual key codes? Does anyone know how I can use it with character keys (like a, b, etc.)?
6. Painting (hdc, WM_PAINT, GetDC/ReleaseDC, BeginPaint/EndPaint, pens, brushes)
Still learning...
7. Printing text
As in...drawing it to the screen?
8. Lines, Points, Squares and Circles
9. Timers
I''m still looking for it in MSDN...
10. Basics Sound
I''ll learn that after the graphics stuff, I guess.
11. Dialog Boxes (dialog boxes, buttons, controls)
Okay, understand this fairly well.
so...think I''m on a good start?
P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."