
RPG making questions

Started by April 30, 2000 01:01 PM
24 comments, last by Squall012 24 years, 10 months ago
I dunno but doesn''t doesn''t use it?
I dunno
maybe..pause the the screen, put it into a file format? maybe you could do that..make your own snapshots..ohwell
There was a post a while back that had the same problem as you Squall- maybe you should backtrack a few days and check it out!

PS- I didn''t like FF8...

3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Oh yeah! Duh, I read that! Gosh! And come to think of it, I hate FF8, its stupid, rushed out and tiresome. FF9 better redeem itself
Alt+PrntScrn should work for screenshots; that''s what I always use.

Aeon Software
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"
this is off-post, but dammit i was disappointed in FF8 too!
FF7 was better in every way, except graphics.. (and -maybe- some music)

but FF7 had so much more replay value, a better story, and at least it didnt seem so horribly linear... sure it was definately a linear game, but at least you could go over to the golden saucer and play or get sidetracked and go after the ultimate weapon.. it was just plain more fun!

i had fun playing FF7 all over again just so i could do everything there was in the game (and i did do everything, except kill that big red monster in the desert around the prison.. i forget what it's called :/) all my characters are level 99 and have all the limit breaks and all the magic (including 3 master magics, 3 master commands, and 2 master summons)

hmm.. this post turned into something else entirely

dammit, FF8 was the only square game i've been disappointed in
mainly because, as squall said, it was rushed.. and the new junction system wasnt play-tested enough.
i found the battles to be far too easy... and boring..

hmm.. my favorite rpg is still Xenogears (from Square, of course!).. anybody played it?
i'm so pissed because it locks up on the last boss (maybe the cd got is scratched or doesnt like my mod chip :/) so i cant finish it!!

the only gripe i have about square's game is that they are so damned linear... (chrono trigger was cool though
oh well... they are still great

Edited by - adammil on May 9, 2000 1:26:02 PM
This post has gotten really cool. And I agree with everything you said about FF7, adammil , it has turned out to be the RPG that EVERYONE has played, or has to play. You can simply mention the name Sephiroth and people go "Yeah, that is the coolest enemy in the world!" Xenogears has a unique ending, get a copy so you can see the ending, its cool.

Let me preach on FF8. What a sorrowful dissapointment it was. The card game was truly unique, probably the best new innovation of the game. But what about sidequests? what about minigames? what about FUN FACTOR FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!! The absolute coolest thing about Final Fantasy VIII had to be the movies, and for an RPG, that is a bad reason to like it. FF7 had everything! It is the only RPG where I wanted to level up to get all the limit breaks...before getting on disk2! Being able to smash enemies in a single hit is a great feeling. Having near god-like qualities when you have maxed out your character wasn''t fully realized in FF8. It makes me mad. Let us hope and pray that FF9 will become the best in the series. (But with three games FF''s in the works, a myriad of RPGs and a baseball and racing game in the works, I have nightmares)

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