
Is pi truely random?

Started by April 30, 2000 02:54 AM
64 comments, last by Hans 24 years, 9 months ago
Maybe I should put this question to some math forum but I don''t know any... Is pi truely random so that if you read an infinite number (in binary format) of decimals in pi, there will be exactly 50-50 amount of 0 and 1? Or can you find n decimals (etc. 10000 decimals) of sqruare_root(2) _inside_ pi? (3.141593, 1.41 comes up quite fast ) Can you find ... everything inside pi? For example, you have a jpeg image and you can find the same jpeg image inside pi if you begin to read from 10^10000th decimal of pi? (no I''m not trying to suggest this as some ridiculous packing algo )
hard to say because it is an infinitely repeting non-deterministic value (you have to calculate n places before calculating the n+1 place). if you mean is it purely random then no because it is easily determined to be based on an eqaution. If you mean as you posted above a 50-50 bit ratio it is uncertan because there is nothing that says you can not calculate out to the nth place and descover that it goes something like 333... or 353535....
In other words THERE IS NO ANSWER!!!!

3.14159726535897984 (that''s all I could remember) :^)

I have always been lost!
Sentence you never want to here: Is it ok to eat the fuzzy stuff in your belly button?
Opps! I forgot to include an equation for calculating pi so that you can use it if you want to!!

here is my personal fave.

pi = 1/3 + 1/5 + 1/7 + 1/9 + .....

so on and so to whatever number of digits you require

I have always been lost!
Sentence you never want to here: Is it ok to eat the fuzzy stuff in your belly button?
I''m going to correct two of you here. Some digits of pi are 3.141592653589793238. Anyway, the series that you gave was an arithmatic series, so the series will diverge. If you added up all the numbers, you''d get infinity. I think the series actually goes like this:

pi = 4/1 - 4/3 + 4/5 - 4/7 + 4/9 - ...

u know sometimes u can find patterns in pi, that makes it easier to memorize
and no, i didn't memorize that, i only have it memorized to the first 18 digits after decimal

- oops, some numbers were wrong the first time i posted this i had to edit it

- pouya

Edited by - pouya on 4/30/00 2:26:23 PM
As far as I know, pi''s essentially random. But look how long it takes for a zero to appear
Take a look at: Pi to 2000 places

That''s right, 2000 places!
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away"--Henry David Thoreau
PI to 2000 places, that is wimpy. Here is PI to 100,000 places. or

or if you really into PI here are 200 million digits of PI in 20 5mb files (compressed):

Edited by - Ranok on 4/30/00 2:55:55 PM
Did you ever wonder if there was something fundamentally wrong with mathematics that allow numbers such as pi to exist? If the foundation on which everything is built is wrong from the start. For instance, convert 1/3 to decimal, multiply by 3. You''ll never get 1.0, always 0.99999999999. Something is wrong.
Point 9 repeating is one( ie. 0.99999999 == 1 for you coders). You''ll learn the matmatical definition of this when you study series in calculus.

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