

Started by April 28, 2000 11:12 AM
2 comments, last by Flintlock 24 years, 8 months ago
I was wondering if someone would be able to tell me at what frequency middle c is played at, and by how much the frequency is changed every half step. From this I can make better DLS Instruments, and in the end better sounding stuff. Show me what you got
there is an article about this at the Programmer''s Vault.
I don''t remeber exactly where it was, but it shouldn''t be too hard to find
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Traditionally the A above middle C is given the frequency of 440 Hz. Every octive above doubles that freq. (ie the next highest A is 880 Hz) and every octive below halves the freq (ie the next lowest A is 220 Hz)

To find the change in each half step take the 12th root of 2 (because there are twelve half steps to an active) and that will be the change in frequency each note. I'd give it to you but I don't have a good enough calculator handy.

hope that helps

Edited by - bcj on 4/28/00 11:45:58 AM
The 12th root of 2 (2^(1/12)) is about 1.059463.

Multiply any frequency by that and the result will be the next half step up. I didn''t really make that clear in my last post. The difference bewteen every half step is different over the whole range of notes.


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