
New NPC AI Toolkit

Started by December 06, 2002 05:59 AM
-1 comments, last by Kilkonie 21 years, 11 months ago
On the off chance that someone here is interested. I thought I''d drop by and let you know about a modular behavioral toolkit I''ve developed for Neverwinter Nights. It supports a priority based behavior system, where dormat behaviors can preempt active behaviors. NPCs can send and receive internal signals, or messages to a specific NPC or to a subscription channel. Dynamic bindings can be activated to respond to the environment through callbacks. Feel free to read a bit more about it here: There is an active development group working on implementing template behaviors and improve NPC AI, in general. You can find the forums, here: (Note: this requires a Neverwinter Nights account.) Finally, there have been a few articles/tutorials overviewing the system. You can find them here: op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=&topic=11&allstories=1 Feel free to send me a message or email if you have any questions. William Bull

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